The Last Week of Classes and the Final Examination Period
Faculty are prohibited from giving the last test or final examination or from collecting a last take-home test or Final Examination for a course in the last week of classes of the Fall and Spring Semesters. Laboratory courses are exempt from this ban, and faculty who are giving a comprehensive final exam in a course during the Final Examination period may give a last test in that course during the last week of classes. Take-home tests or final examinations which are due during the Final Examination period may be distributed during the last week of classes. Papers, projects, or assignments which are collected during the last week of classes should be similar to the papers, projects, or assignments that might be due during any week of the semester. Large scale papers, projects or assignments that are due during the last week of the semester should have been assigned before mid-semester so that the student who has not procrastinated is not required to spend an extraordinary amount of time on the paper, project, or assignment during the last week of classes. Faculty are encouraged to give in-class or collect take-home last tests or final examinations during the Final Examination period. (Faculty Senate, 4/28/97)