First Year Experiences

Start your college experience off right!

Indiana University Kokomo strives to make the transition to college easy as possible for incoming students – whether you’ve just graduated high school, or have transferred from another campus. We pride ourselves on creating a diverse and welcoming environment where all feel like they’re part of the Cougar community.

At IU Kokomo, we offer a variety of programs to transfer or first-year students that encourage team building and communication to help ensure the success of every student.

First Year Experiences

A student’s first year in college can set the tone for the rest of their time in school. At IU Kokomo, we make it our job to ensure our students have the best first year possible!

Before classes start, students are required to attend an enrollment event and an orientation day.

All students new to college must attend an orientation day. If you are a transfer student who would like to attend orientation, please give our advising office a call at 765-455-9405 to register.

To learn more, please visit our New Student Orientation website.

Your enrollment event is your first on-campus step to starting as a new student at IU Kokomo. You may bring up to two guests. The enrollment event is required if you are new to college.

Students and their guests should plan to arrive at 9:00 am for breakfast and check-in.

9 a.m.Check-in and Breakfast
9:30 a.m.Welcome
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.Students meet with academic advisors and enroll in courses. Guests learn more about the IU Kokomo experience.

Look for a welcome email from IU Kokomo Admissions to RSVP for your Enrollment Event.

Shake off the first day jitters at your orientation day! This required all-day event, gives you a chance to explore campus, gain foundational technology skills, learn about important academic success resources, and make new friends! You’ll also learn about how you can take your learning outside of the classroom through the Kokomo Experience and You (KEY) program.

Orientation days for new Fall 2025 students will be held on August 12, 14, 15 and 20.  You should arrive at 9 a.m. and plan to stay until 4 p.m. Lunch will be provided. Orientation day is a student-only event.

Experience more at IU Kokomo

A group of students pose in front of a wall mural.
A group of three students pose in Hunt Hall.
Two male students work on a project.

Create a strong foundation

Indiana University Kokomo offers support for incoming students that lasts through their entire collegiate education. Freshman Learning Communities and First Year Seminars provide additional support to help students navigate and complete their first year with confidence, while the Early Intervention, Success Coaching, and One-on-One Advising initiatives offer strong support that lasts all the way through graduation.

All incoming freshmen are required to take a “Freshman Seminar” course. This class helps new students to adjust to life on a college campus, and helps transfer students feel comfortable on a new campus. Here, students can meet and interact with their peers in a classroom setting and learn important collegiate life skills such as communication, study habits, time management, and teamwork!

Freshman Learning Communities (FLC) are block courses – two classes scheduled back-to-back with separate instructors. Courses are worth three credits each and include an A101 Freshman Seminar worth one credit – seven credits in total. FLCs also include a KEY Experience.

Courses are paired together to allow students to better understand the common goals of the courses, and how they can connect. Instructors communicate about what will be taught during the week to ensure a reasonable workload for students.

Students are encouraged to enroll in FLCs, as the block course format allows students to create deeper connections with their classmates, get involved in and off campus, and help their fellow new students adjust to college life. 

IU Kokomo faculty are dedicated to the success of our students. To support that goal, the Student Engagement Roster (SER) is used by all professors to monitor student performance and grades. If a student is falling behind, or having trouble in the course, the professor can document those issues in the SER. A notification will then be sent to the student and their academic advisor, detailing what the professor has documented. Campus resources such as Success Coaches, the Writing Center, or the Math Commons are then offered to help students succeed. Both the Writing Center and Math Commons offer one-on-one and group tutoring for those in need of assistance.

The SER isn’t just used to document issues; faculty can also use it to let students know if they are thriving in a course, and to provide encouragement.

The early intervention process also includes Academic Probation. When a student’s GPA drops below 2.0, they are warned to increase their GPA or risk losing financial aid. Students on Academic Probation are encouraged to regularly meet with their advisor and a success coach for additional support.

Academic Success Coaching pairs a student with an expert who can provide individualized help with tasks such as time management, study skills, stress management, and navigating campus resources. Coaching is free to all IU Kokomo students, and has proven successful among students.  

It’s easy to get confused by the requirements needed to graduate from college. Academic advisors in the Office of Student Success and Advising meet one-on-one with students to help them feel confident about academic decisions, and to support their exploration of academic and extra-curricular opportunities on campus.

Advisors are here to help students stay on track with their degree progress, making sure they are taking appropriate courses and earning enough credits to meet the requirements for graduation, program admission, and financial aid eligibility.

Students are assigned to at least two advisors in their major area to ensure that they can get questions answered and support whenever they need it.

Ready to get started?

If you are ready to begin your time at IU Kokomo, the Office of Admissions is here to help! For questions or more information, email us at or call us at 765-455-9217.