Schedule of Program Reviews: All academic programs will be reviewed every five years beginning in fall 2008. Reviews will usually be based on five years of data and never less than three years for newer programs or programs that have undergone substantial change. Each program administrator and faculty will participate in preparing a program self-study in the spring prior to the program review. For programs who participate in external accreditation, the information gathered and the findings of external consultant evaluator will be utilized and reframed to fit the program review format and criteria. If additional data are needed beyond that provided by the accreditation process and findings, the program will provided these data. All other programs will employ external evaluators who will both review programs self-studies and do an on-site visit prior to preparing their report and findings.
Self-Study Template
School, Division, Department:
Review Process
- Program Under Review:
- Review Period:
- Steps in the Review Process:
- Data obtained via (Office of Budget and Institutional Research, Alumni Surveys, etc.)
- Describe Self Study Process collected by faculty
- External Review conducted by:
Review Criteria
- Program Role and Mission and Consistency with University Mission:
- Describe the ways in which the program advances the Campus' mission, vision, values, and strategic goals.
- List key relationships between the program and external constituencies such as collaborations, partnerships with regional, community, state organizations, and/or businesses.
External and Internal Demand
- Describe the external demand for graduates of the program. Refer to employment projections based on federal and state information and other resources. See for example the Occupational Outlook Handbook and the Indiana Department of Workforce Development at
- What steps has the program implemented to attract enrollment form high school students and transfer students?
- Describe internal demand for courses in the major using institutional data (see table below)
- How has the program addressed increased demand?
- What problems have been encountered in meeting demand?
Table l: Internal Demand
Describe the resources generated and used by the program and key results of the uses of these resources in the areas of student retention, graduation rates, and number of degrees awarded, and services provided to non-majors and to campus-wide learning goals.
| Spring 05 | Fall 05 | Spring 06 | Fall 06 | Spring 07 | Fall 07 |
New Majors | | | | | | |
Total number of majors | | | | | | |
Table 2: Productivity List grants and contracts received by the program in the last three years and indicate how these resources have affected program productivity and efficiency.
Fiscal Year | Type of Resource | Approximate Dollar Amount |
2005 | | |
2006 | | |
2007 | | |
Table 3: List other financial resources generated by the program such as donation, externally funded programs, and conference earnings. Indicate how these resources have enhanced productivity, and efficiency.
Fiscal Year | Type of Resource | Approximate Dollar Amount | Describe the Resource |
2005 | | | |
2006 | | | |
2007 | | | |
Requirements of accreditation other than annual fees and site visits:
- Impact on faculty teaching load
- Course section size limits (including clinical constraints)
- Facility and equipment requirements
- Salary requirements
- Other
- List in the table below the last three year's data on the program's fall to fall retention rate, graduate rate, and number of degrees awarded, and classes cancelled due to low enrollment and/or with an enrollment below ten.
Table 4:
Year | Fall to fall retention rate | Number of low enrolled classes | Number of cancelled classes | Number of graduates | Graduation rate |
2005 | | | | | |
2006 | | | | | |
2007 | | | | | |
Table 5: Credit Hour and FTE Productivity by Majors
| SP 03 | F 03 | Sp 04 | F 04 | Sp 05 | F 05 | Sp 06 | F 06 | Sp 07 | F 07 |
Student Credit Hours | | | | | | | | | | |
100-200 credit hours | | | | | | | | | | |
300-400 credit hours | | | | | | | | | | |
Total credit hours | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 6: Non-Major Credit Hour Productivity
| SP 03 | F 03 | Sp 04 | F 04 | Sp 05 | F 05 | Sp 06 | F 06 | Sp 07 | F 07 |
100-200 credit hours | | | | | | | | | | |
300-400 credit hours | | | | | | | | | | |
Total credit hours | | | | | | | | | | |
Table 7: Faculty FTE Productivity Based on Total Major and Non-Major Credit Hours
| SP 03 | F 03 | Sp 04 | F 04 | Sp 05 | F 05 | Sp 06 | F 06 | Sp 07 | F 07 |
Credit hours per FTE | | | | | | | | | | |
Provide information relating to other areas in which the major has contributed to Campus-wide initiatives in the areas of learning, engagement, diversity, and others not already reported in a previous section of this report. These might include but are not limited to involvement in freshmen learning communities, Campus-community partnerships and collaborations, and Camp diversity initiatives. Please provide specifics regarding the number of individuals involved in each initiative, the duration of the involvement, as well as the impact of the initiative on the Campus.
Describe activities of the program that lead to high program quality and provide documentation of how that quality is measured.
- Provide evidence of the students' successful achievement of the program's learning outcomes.
- Provide outcome information on graduates as available, in particular, employment and enrollment in graduate programs. Information on exit exams, licensure, and other tests and exams should also be provided, especially when comparative results are available.
- Discuss the benefits, impact, and importance of accreditation where appropriate.
- What steps has the program taken to develop pedagogical innovation and forward-looking curricula?
- Provide evidence of advising effectiveness.
- Describe specific efforts aimed at student success and retention; if possible, include the numbers of students, faculty, and staff involved in these initiatives, and provide evidence of the effects of these activities quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Provide evidence of faculty engagement in scholarship and service in the table below.
Table 8: Faculty Extramural Research Awards
Year | Number | Amount |
2003 | | |
2004 | | |
2005 | | |
2006 | | |
2007 | | |
Table 9: Faculty Scholarly Publications (insert number)
Year | Books | Chapters | Ref Journal Articles/Creative Work | Ref/Invited Presentations |
2003 | | | | |
2004 | | | | |
2005 | | | | |
2006 | | | | |
2007 | | | | |
Table 10: Faculty Service and Engagement
Year | Campus | Discipline | Univeristy | Region, Community, State |
2003 | | | | |
2004 | | | | |
2005 | | | | |
2006 | | | | |
2007 | | | | |
Summarize special accomplishments:
- Campus Faculty awards
- University Faculty awards
- Professional recognition outside the University
- Awards and special recognition of students
- Potential
Describe the relationship between current resources and program capacity. Support your responses with substantive explanations and forecasts based on measurable trends and other data.
- What is the program's maximum capacity for majors and minors with current resources? What is the maximum for service courses? In the last five years, what steps have been taken to strengthen the program and increase enrollment, and eliminate underused capacity?
- Has the program implemented any measures to increase efficiency in the last five years? Describe any reallocations of greater efficiency within the program or department. How might the program improve productivity through consolidation or through internal/external partnerships?
Additional Information
Please provide information below about any special considerations that contribute to the program's importance to the campus or that affect the program that has not been covered above.
- External Reviewers' Comments/Concerns on each of the Review Criteria:>
- Program Role and Mission and Consistency with University Mission:
- External and Internal Demand
- Program Quality
- Productivity, Costs, Efficiency
- Potential
- Additional Information
In addition to commenting on each criterion, external reviewers are asked to fill in the grid below, providing a summative judgment on the overall success of the program on each criterion.
Table 10: External Reviewer Feedback
Criterion | Yes | No |
Does the program demonstrate significant alignment with campus Mission, Values, and Strategic Plans? | | |
Does the program demonstrate substantial internal demand? | | |
Does the program demonstrate substantial external demand | | |
Compared to other similar programs at similar institutions, is it of high quality? | | |
Does the program demonstrate significant overall productivity? | | |
Do program trends suggest potential for future program growth? | | |
Did the additional information provided suggest that the program demonstrates significant contributions to the Campus, region? | | |
- Deans' Recommendations Regarding the Future Status of the Program:
- Programs that are recommended for no change in status and will not be required to make adjustments to their operations, nor will they be identified for the infusion of new resources.
- Programs that are recommended for revision, merging or other action will be charged to present specific plans for revision, etc. by December 1 following the recommendation of the deans. These plans must provide measurable objectives and a year by year plan for the delivery of these objectives. Failure to meet objectives may result in a decision to eliminate the program.
- Programs that are recommended for additional investment will be charged to present specific plans for revision, expansion, etc. by December 1 following the recommendation of the deans. These plans must how additional investment will positively affect the program in the categories of productivity and quality, and indicate how these enhancements will be measured over time both quantitatively and qualitatively.
- Programs that are recommended for eliminationwill be charged to present specific plans for phasing out the program, accommodating the graduation