Faculty reassignment report form
Reassignment Report Form
This form is for faculty members who are on 10 month contracts and have release time for specific duties. If the faculty member receives one (or more) course releases per semester, then the form is due that semester. If the faculty member receives one course release for the year, then the form is due at the end of the year. Forms are due no later than 30 days after the end of the semester or year. Copies of the forms should be submitted to the academic unit involved and the Office of Academic Affairs.
Faculty Member__________________________________ Unit_____________________
Semester with release time__________________________
Tasks accomplished with the release time:
Give specific examples such as workshops, brown-bags held, symposium organized, grant writing sessions, etc. Be sure to indicate outcomes such as dates, number of attendees, grants submitted, reports submitted, etc. Additional documentation or written narratives can be attached if needed.