The chairperson/director of your academic unit is responsible for providing you with the objectives of the course, the material that should be covered, and the course standards. Some courses have standardized syllabi, in which case, the department will provide you with the syllabus.
You are responsible for providing a comprehensive syllabus for the course. (Department secretaries may be able to type final copy – check with them for availability). A copy of this syllabus is to be submitted to the chairperson/director three weeks prior to the beginning of the course. The syllabus should be posted to Canvas, (ideally two weeks before classes begin) but definitely before the first class meeting. The syllabus should contain those of the following items that are appropriate for the particular course: (Purdue part-time lecturers and IU Kokomo School of Nursing adjuncts will be provided a departmental course outline).
- instructor’s name, office, home, phone number(s), and campus
- email where students can contact you directly
- course number and title
- course learning outcomes (see department chair or dean for a list)
- class meeting times and location
- office hours
- semester and year
- purpose, design, themes of the course
- objectives of the course
- readings: materials to purchase
- materials in the Library or elsewhere
- information on application of class attendance policy
- teaching methods (lecture, seminar, laboratory, discussions, etc.)
- grading system (curve, percent, weighting, policy on plus and minus grades, etc.)
- requirements: readings
- participation in class discussion
- participation in simulation exercises
- written assignments: reports, essays, research papers
- tests/examinations: nature of (essay, multiple choice, take home, oral, etc.)
- specific class policies, typed papers, regulations on make-up examinations and/or late papers, etc.
- schedule of classes and specific reading assignments designate required and optional readings
- specify material to be covered in each lecture period and on each exam/quiz
- Accessibility
- Sexual Misconduct
Textbooks Desk Copies
The chairperson/director of your academic unit has the responsibility of selecting and submitting the textbook orders to the Indiana University Kokomo bookstore. In some instances you may be consulted about the choice of textbooks; in other instances, particularly in the case of multiple section introductory courses, textbook decisions will be made by the academic unit. Please take careful note as to whether you wish to require; or are only recommending a text. Bookstore deadlines are: Booklists should be submitted to the bookstore by March 5 for the fall semester, October 5 for the spring and summer sessions. All book orders must be approved by the department chairperson. Units may have earlier deadlines for textbook adoptions – please check with the unit secretary for details on any policies for ordering books.
Although the chairperson/director is responsible for providing you with a copy of the textbook, you are responsible for making your needs for desk copies and additional support materials known to them each semester and summer session.
Instructional Materials
Adjunct instructors are asked to submit copies of class handouts, exercises, examinations, etc., to the chairperson/director of the academic unit in order that permanent records can be maintained on each course.
Office Hours
Consultation with students is an important phase of instruction. To facilitate these meetings with students and to avoid interruption at other times, each instructor should announce at the first class meeting—and include on the syllabus—their office hours by day and time. The instructor should be on hand at these times. Check with departments and secretaries to find out about keys and where to conduct your office hours.
The official channel of communication at Indiana University Kokomo is email. The CTLA will provide instruction for email. If help is needed, please email at Your IU email should be checked daily.
Email is considered an appropriate mechanism for official communication by Indiana University with IU students unless otherwise prohibited by law. The University reserves the right to send official communications to students by email with the full expectation that students will receive email and read these emails in a timely fashion.
Room Assignments
Your classroom assignment is listed in the class schedule and also is posted at strategic locations in the hallways at Indiana University Kokomo during the first week of classes. If you have problems (e.g., room is too small, inappropriate for the nature of the class, another class assigned to the same room, etc.), contact your department chair or the Registrar, Kelley Student Center, Room 208, 455-9391. Since the scheduling of classes and the assignment of classrooms is extremely complex, no changes should be made in class time or class location without prior consultation as above. This includes out of class assignments such as field trips and library activities (schedule with Library). Purdue faculty must contact the Purdue Director’s office, 455-9375, of any room problems. Every attempt will be made to make appropriate changes.
Classrooms at off campus sites have been administratively arranged. Do not change to another classroom without approval.
Tobacco-Free Campus
Indiana University Kokomo is a tobacco free campus. Use of any tobacco products on the campus is prohibited anywhere on university property, including parking lots and inside vehicles. Please advise students of this policy (see below).
Class Meetings and Final Examinations
IU Kokomo follows the University standard for the minimum instruction time for a three-credit class. In all cases, the usual 3-credit lecture class meets for a minimum of approximately 2000 minutes, excluding the final examination period. In most cases a 3-credit class will be scheduled for 2250 minutes plus the final examination period. The minimum instruction time may include distance education techniques as well as class meetings. Classes of varying lengths may be scheduled provided the minimum instruction time criterion is met.
It is Indiana University and Purdue University policy that all classes meet for the entire scheduled time at the initial class meeting, as well as at all other class meetings, including the last class meeting. Classes should not be dismissed early. If you plan to meet your class in a place other than the assigned room, you should notify your department chair, post the new room number on the door and notify the switchboard.
Classes scheduled for 75 minutes should not have a break. Classes (not laboratories) scheduled for longer than 90 minutes should contain a break not to exceed 15 minutes. Classes currently scheduled for 160 minutes (two hours and 45 minutes) have that 15-minute break built into the schedule.
A two hour final examination period is scheduled (as the 16th week of classes) for both the fall and spring semesters. A two hour final examination period is scheduled during both Summer Sessions. See the official Schedule of Classes for the time of your final examination. It is expected that final examinations will be given at the scheduled time during final examination week.
It is expected that all students will have purchased textbooks prior to the first class meeting. Syllabi should be posted on Canvas two weeks prior to the beginning of the class (two weeks prior if possible, but definitely before the first day of class). Students should be properly registered in each class. The instructor should check the online class roster prior to the first class which lists the names of all students who have paid their fees for the class. If a student is not listed on the roster, that student should be directed to the Office of the Registrar. Purdue faculty members are not allowed to schedule any tests or examinations during the 15th week of classes.
Proctoring of Examinations
It is the instructor’s obligation to require intellectual honesty among his or her students, particularly in connection with examinations. The instructor is responsible for careful supervision of all examinations and class exercises. If an instructor wishes to give an examination during a class period when he or she must be absent, arrangements should be made for a colleague on the faculty to supervise that examination. Secretaries or student assistants must not be asked to proctor an examination in your absence. They do not have the authority to handle cheating and have their regular schedule of work.
Make-Up Examinations
Make-up examinations for those students who are unable to be present at regularly scheduled examinations may be arranged at the convenience of the instructor and the student, if the student shows proof that the absence was a legitimate one and if the instructor considers the excuse given by the student one which warrants the giving of a make-up examination. The Testing Center in the Kelly Student Center, KC250 will provide a place for a make-up exam. To schedule this service, please call 455-9395. Secretaries should not be involved in the giving or proctoring of make-up examinations.
Student Evaluation of Adjunct Faculty
Student evaluations shall be conducted at the end of the semester of each class taught by an adjunct faculty member. Adjuncts must allow for 15 minutes of class time near the end of the semester for students to complete the evaluations. You must step out of the room during that time and designate a student or a staff member to be in charge of administrating the evaluations.
1. For off campus classes, the evaluations will be handled by the unit. The results will be summarized and distributed to appropriate chairs/directors/deans and the adjunct faculty member, and a file will be retained. Summaries will be sent to the adjunct faculty member after grades have been posted, with a letter from the appropriate chair/director/dean.
2. For on campus classes, the evaluations will be handled by the chairpersons/directors/deans. The results will be summarized and distributed to the adjunct faculty members after grades have been posted. Chairs/directors/deans will retain file copies.
Cancellation of Courses
Occasionally, it is necessary to cancel an adjunct faculty contract for reasons such as insufficient enrollment. For a faculty member who has spent time preparing for a class for Indiana University Kokomo, he or she will be compensated as follows: (See Conditions below.) For the preparation of a course that is canceled, the adjunct faculty member will be paid $75. If this is a first preparation for the course, there will be an additional payment of $25. If the class meets for the first time and is later canceled, mileage will be paid if appropriate. (This is not the policy for Purdue University).
- An outline must be turned in to the chair/director/dean and accepted before the start of the semester.
- If an adjunct faculty member is teaching multiple sections and one or more of these courses have sufficient enrollments, no payment will be made.