The Faculty Senate shall have standing committees as set forth in these Bylaws. The Faculty Senate may from time to time establish special committees. The Faculty Senate shall charge every special committee with well-defined tasks to be completed within a specified period of time. The committee shall report to the Faculty Senate by the time specified and shall be discharged.
Faculty Committees shall be composed as follows: the Library, the School of Business, the School of Education, the School of Nursing, and the School of Sciences shall have one representative each; the School of Humanities and Social Sciences shall have two. Anyone who is a faculty member without an administrative appointment* or a half-time instructional appointee holding Indiana University appointment to the rank of Lecturer or above shall be eligible to serve as a representative on any faculty committee. Any faculty committee may, at its discretion, invite members of the Indiana University Kokomo community to participate in its deliberations. Only faculty members elected to a committee, as provided for in this Section, may vote.
A representative from each academic unit shall be elected by majority vote of faculty members of the unit. Two-thirds of faculty members of the unit shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of electing representatives to faculty committees. If a vacancy should occur, it is the responsibility of the unit wherein the vacancy occurs to elect a member to complete the unexpired term.
Members of standing committees shall serve two-year staggered terms with half the committee elected each year. This is to ensure continuity and consistency in the use of criteria and procedures. The term of office of new members of standing committees shall commence on the first day of July following their election. For new committees, at least half the members shall be elected for a one-year term. Members of special committees shall serve until the committee is discharged.
The President of the Faculty Senate shall appoint a chairperson of each faculty committee for one year. The appointment shall be subject to ratification by a majority of voting members of the faculty committee.
The chairperson of a faculty committee shall file a copy of the faculty committee's minutes or a written summary of the activities of the faculty committee with the secretary of the Faculty Senate by the first day of June each year.
A majority of voting members of a faculty committee shall constitute a quorum for the conducting of all faculty committee business.
2. Nominations and Elections
The Faculty Senate shall have officers, as provided in the Constitution, and representatives, as provided in these Bylaws, assigned to specific tasks on behalf of the faculty. Faculty members without administrative appointments shall be eligible to serve as officers and representatives of the Faculty Senate. No faculty member shall be elected to more than one office. Elected officers and representatives shall serve for one year and assume their duties on the first of July.
The Faculty Senate shall have a Nominating Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, the Nominating Committee shall be composed of five (5) members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate. There shall be no more than one member from each academic unit. The appointment shall be ratified by majority vote of the Faculty Senate.
The Nominating Committee shall submit the names of at least two nominees for each of the positions of Faculty Senate Officers and Representatives. The Nominating Committee shall submit the names of nominees for the Board of Review, as provided in these bylaws.
A list of the Nominating Committee's nominees for Faculty Senate Officers, Board of Review, and Faculty Equity Liaison shall be included on the agenda for the Faculty Senate meeting at which the election will occur. The elections shall take place no later than the first of April. The presiding officer shall call for nominations from the floor. The Nominating Committee shall distribute ballots for voting and shall tabulate the votes and certify the results to the President. A majority of votes by those present shall be necessary for election of officers and the Faculty Equity Liaison, and voting shall continue until a majority is reached. Procedures and rules for electing Board of Review members are specified in Bylaws Section 3.14.
In the event the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice President shall assume the Presidency. In the event of other vacancies for officers or Board of Review members, the Nominating Committee shall nominate new candidates. Elections shall be held within two months after the vacancy occurs and those elected shall assume their duties immediately.
3. Faculty Standing Committees
The Faculty Senate shall have an Agenda Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, the Agenda Committee shall be composed of the officers of the Faculty Senate. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.3, the President of the Faculty Senate shall be chairperson of the Agenda Committee.
The Agenda Committee is the "administrative committee" of the Faculty Senate. It is responsible for the proper functioning of the faculty government. Normally problems and proposals should first be considered by this committee before being referred to the Faculty Senate or, if necessary, to a standing or special committee.
The Faculty Senate shall have a Faculty Affairs Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.3, the Vice President of the Faculty Senate shall be chairperson of the Faculty Affairs Committee, and will be a non-voting member unless he or she is the only member from his or her unit. Membership of the Faculty Affairs Committee shall not overlap the Educational Policies Committee membership.
The Faculty Affairs Committee shall be responsible for recommending to the Senate policies and procedures dealing with faculty promotion, tenure, dismissal, salaries, sabbatical leaves, course loads, academic freedom, faculty conduct and other appropriate matters relating to faculty affairs.
The Faculty Senate shall have an Admissions Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, the Admission Committee shall be composed of three (3) to five (5) faculty members appointed by the President of the Faculty Senate. There shall be no more than one member from each academic unit. The Admissions Committee shall be responsible for making final determinations on student requests for exceptions from admissions policies, and on requests for admission as probationary students, in a manner consistent with the University policy.
The Faculty Senate shall have an Educational Policies Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, faculty members with administrative appointments are eligible to serve on this committee. Membership of this committee shall not overlap the Faculty Affairs Committee membership. The Educational Policies Committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty Senate policies and procedures dealing with student academic affairs.
Duties of the Educational Policies Committee are:
- To approve or disapprove new undergraduate courses at Indiana University which are initiated at Indiana University Kokomo.
- To approve or disapprove proposed changes in currently offered undergraduate courses at Indiana University Kokomo which require submission of the Course Change Request Form.
- To evaluate and submit to Faculty Senate, for action on all new undergraduate degree programs as well as changes in currently existing degree programs which impact more than one division.
- To reevaluate periodically Indiana University Kokomo undergraduate degree programs, specific courses, and/or degree requirements.
- To screen for submission to the Faculty Senate at Indiana University Kokomo any new undergraduate degree program from another university that is to be offered at Indiana University Kokomo and which intends to use Indiana University undergraduate courses taught by Indiana University faculty in their role as Indiana University faculty as part of the curriculum of the degree program. The determination is whether it is appropriate to offer the undergraduate degree program at Indiana University Kokomo, and it is recognized that the university awarding the undergraduate degree not Indiana University Kokomo is responsible for the curriculum of the degree program.
- Coordinate with the Graduate Programs Committee concerning any issues that include both graduate and undergraduate courses and degree programs.
The Faculty Senate shall have a committee on Budgetary Affairs. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.3, the President of the Faculty Senate shall be chairperson of this committee, and will be a non-voting member unless he or she is the only member from his or her unit.
The faculty Budgetary Affairs Committee shall act as the representative of the Faculty Senate in offering its continuing advice and recommendations to the Administration on all aspects of the Indiana University Kokomo budget. It shall be involved in the ongoing budget-making process, working closely with the Administration to ensure that the funds available are expended in such a manner that will enhance the academic and economic well-being of the campus. In order to carry out this task, the Committee should have at its disposal all relevant documents and information.
Specifically, the Committee shall consider and make recommendations to the Administration on the following issues:
- The allocation of funds for new programs or reallocation of funds for existing programs.
- The priorities in capital spending for the campus.
- The general salary policies for the faculty.
- Any serious financial situations of the University that require special action, including a state of financial exigency.
The Committee shall report regularly to the Faculty Senate on its activities, including any recommendations made to the Administration.
The Faculty Senate shall have a campus-wide Administrative Review Committee. The first meeting of the campus-wide Administrative Review Committee shall take place before the first day of October each year. The campus-wide Administrative Review Committee shall be responsible for establishing, implementing and monitoring the guidelines and procedures for faculty review of administrators at both the campus level and at the department/division level, subject to approval by action of the Indiana University Kokomo Faculty Senate.
The Faculty Senate shall also have a campus Promotion Committee Non-Tenure-Track. Faculty members who have been promoted at least once in a non-tenure-track position may be elected to serve on the Campus Promotion Committee Non-Tenure-Track. Faculty with an administrative appointment should abstain from serving unless all promoted faculty members in any unit have an administrative appointment. A promoted faculty member with administrative appointment may represent that unit on the Promotion Committee provided that the person's administrative position does not make a separate recommendation on promotion of a candidate from that unit. The Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may participate as ex-officio, nonvoting member of the committee to manage the paperwork and to clarify policies and procedures. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing the dossiers of non-tenure track candidates for promotion in a manner consistent with the Indiana University Faculty Handbook and any criteria the Faculty Senate establishes for promotion.
The committee composition will be composed of senior rank non-tenure-track faculty. To transition from one committee into two committees, composition for the new Promotion Committee (Non-Tenure-Track) should be as follows: Current Promotion and Tenure Committee to loan two experienced members to sit on the committee, one to serve as chair for two years. Following the two-year transition, the Promotion Committee (Non-Tenure-Track), composed completely of non-tenured senior faculty, will serve alongside the original Promotion and Tenure Committee to review dossiers for promotion for their respective tracks.
All members must have access to all dossiers for their respective committee. Meetings of the committee shall be in executive session. Members of the committee may not participate or vote by proxy. The Committee members (1) will read and collectively evaluate each completed dossier on the basis of contract criteria, including the recommendations of the School Promotion and Tenure Committee, and the School Dean. (2) Only members who fully participated in the committee deliberations are eligible to vote. The recommendation of the respective committees will be sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with a copy to the candidate, which will include a written, comprehensive, and detailed rationale for the recommendation. The letter will also include a numerical tabulation of the votes on the long-term contract.
The Faculty Senate shall have a campus Assessment Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, faculty members with administrative appointments are eligible to serve on this committee; however, no more than one-half (1/2) of the Committee shall be comprised of faculty members with administrative appointments. The Assessment Committee will work with the campus Assessment Director to conduct and oversee assessment activities at Indiana University Kokomo.
Ultimate responsibility for conducting assessment at Indiana University Kokomo rests with the faculty. The Assessment Committee will work with the Assessment Director and with the faculty who conduct assessment in their units in order to ensure that assessment is conducted systematically and on a continuous basis. Administration of assessment will be overseen by the Office of Academic Affairs in coordination with the Assessment Director.
The Assessment Director, working closely with the Assessment Committee, will prepare an annual report on assessment activities at Indiana University Kokomo and this report will be communicated to the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, the president of the Faculty Senate, and all faculty by the final Senate meeting of each academic year. The report will highlight strengths and weaknesses in current assessment efforts and recommend improvement, if necessary. When necessary, the report will highlight apparent problems in academic programs revealed by the assessment data.
The Faculty Senate shall have a campus Promotion and Tenure Committee. Notwithstanding Section 1.2, faculty members without tenure may not be elected to the Campus Promotion and Tenure Committee and if all the tenured faculty members in any unit have an administrative appointment, a tenured faculty member with an administrative appointment may represent that unit on the promotion and Tenure Committee provided that the person's administrative position does not make a separate recommendation on promotion or tenure of a candidate from that unit. The Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs may participate as ex-officio, nonvoting committee member to manage the paperwork and clarify policies and procedures. This committee shall be responsible for reviewing the dossiers of tenure-track candidates for promotion or tenure in a manner consistent with the Indiana University Faculty Handbook and any criteria the Faculty Senate establishes for promotion and tenure.
All members must have access to all dossiers for their respective committee. Meetings of the committee shall be in executive session. Members of the committee may not participate or vote by proxy. The Committee members (1) will read and collectively evaluate each completed dossier on the basis of contract criteria, including the recommendations of the School Promotion and Tenure Committee, and the School Dean. (2) Only members who fully participated in the committee deliberations are eligible to vote. The recommendation of the respective committees will be sent to the Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, with a copy to the candidate, which will include a written, comprehensive, and detailed rationale for the recommendation. The letter will also include a numerical tabulation of the votes on the long-term contract.
The Faculty Senate shall have a Calendar Committee. The composition of the Committee shall be based on Bylaws Section 1.2 with the addition of four ex-officio members (one non-voting representative each from Academic Affairs, the Registrar, the Student Body, and Purdue Programs). The Committee shall meet each year to address the following duties and responsibilities:
- Periodically review the Indiana University Kokomo Calendar Principles and recommend changes to Faculty Senate.
- Ensure that all proposed Indiana University Kokomo Calendars are consistent with other IU campuses and the all-campus guidelines provided by UFC.
- Prepare specific calendars to recommend to Faculty Senate. Each year a rolling five-year calendar should be presented for approval.
The Faculty Senate shall have a committee on Research Affairs. Notwithstanding Bylaws 1.2, the Faculty Senate President shall choose a minimum of 3 members from different academic units. Its primary goal is to improve the environment for research at Indiana University Kokomo.
The committee shall:
- periodically review research policies and procedures of the Faculty Senate,
- draft revisions when necessary, and
- Provide interpretations about these policies and procedures when questions arise.
The committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty Senate policies and procedures dealing with research. The committee shall coordinate its activities with other relevant committees and communicate adopted policies and procedures dealing with research to the administration through the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.
The Faculty Senate shall have a Graduate Programs Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, faculty members with administrative appointments are eligible to serve on this committee and each academic unit currently granting graduate programs shall choose one graduate faculty member to serve on the committee. Membership of this committee shall not overlap the Faculty Affairs Committee membership. The Graduate Programs Committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty Senate policies and procedures dealing with graduate student academic affairs.
Duties of the Graduate Programs are:
- To approve or disapprove new graduate courses at Indiana University which are initiated at Indiana University Kokomo.
- To approve or disapprove proposed changes in currently offered graduate course at Indiana University Kokomo which require submission of the Course Change Request Form.
- To evaluate and submit to Faculty Senate, for action on all new graduate degree programs as well as changes in currently existing graduate degree programs which impact more than one division.
- To reevaluate periodically Indiana University Kokomo graduate degree programs, specific courses, and/or degree requirements.
- To screen for submission to the Faculty Senate at Indiana University Kokomo any new graduate degree program from another university that is to be offered at Indiana University Kokomo and which intends to use Indiana University graduate courses taught by Indiana University faculty in their role as Indiana University faculty as part of the curriculum of the degree program. The determination is whether it is appropriate to offer the graduate degree program at Indiana University Kokomo, and it is recognized that the university awarding the graduate degree not Indiana University Kokomo is responsible for the curriculum of the degree program.
- Consult with and advise the Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs on issues of concern to the graduate faculty.
- Coordinate with the Educational Policies Committee concerning any issues that include both graduate and undergraduate courses and programs.
The Faculty Senate shall have a Distance Education Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, faculty members with administrative appointments are eligible to serve on this committee; however, no more than one-half (1/2) of the Committee shall be comprised of faculty members with administrative appointments. The Distance Education Committee is responsible for recommending to the Faculty Senate policies and procedures dealing with hybrid and online courses.
This committee represents the IU Kokomo Faculty Senate and administrative interests in courses and programs of distance education, including those that involve collaboration with other campuses and institutions. The Committee coordinates its activities with those of the IU Kokomo IT Department, the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, The Education Policies Committee, the Library, and individual schools. The Committee considers all matters relating to institutional accreditation guidelines as well as online education initiatives encouraged by IU system-wide.
- Not with standing Sections 1.2. and 1.3, the Board of Review shall be constructed and elected according to this section of the Bylaws.
- Composition of the Board of Review:
- The Board shall consist of five members, at least three of whom are tenured.
- Faculty members with administrative appointments* shall not be eligible to serve on the Board of Review.
- Members shall serve staggered two year terms. Three shall be elected in odd-numbered years, two in even-numbered years.
- Elections shall take place by April 1, and shall coincide with the election of the Faculty Senate officers.
- Terms of service shall begin July 1 after the election.
- A member whose term expires shall complete the review of any case he or she has begun to consider.
- Elections shall be conducted using the following procedure:
- The Nominating Committee of the Faculty Senate shall nominate nine faculty members, at least five of whom are tenured.
- The presiding officer shall call for nominations from the floor.
- The Nominating Committee shall distribute ballots for voting and shall tabulate the votes and certify the results to the President. Each faculty member present for the election shall vote for up to five nominees.
- The highest vote recipients shall become Board of Review members. If a particular faculty member’s election would result in the violation of section 3.14.2, the next highest vote recipient whose election does not result in such a violation shall become a Board member.
- The remaining nominees shall be listed as alternates in the order of votes received. In the case of a tie vote, re-election will take place between the involved nominees until the tie is broken.
- Once the Board of Review is elected, the ratio of tenured members shall remain constant during that term of office.
- Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Faculty Board of Review, the faculty shall elect a member to fill the vacancy.
- A member of the Faculty Board of Review shall be disqualified from hearing or investigating a case whenever the member has participated in a prior decision on that case, if they are a member of the aggrieved party’s School, Division, or in the case of HSS, their department, or when that member believes he or she cannot render an impartial judgment. Whenever a disqualification creates a vacancy, the individual receiving the next highest number of votes in the previous election, observing the proper requirements of Section 3.14.2, shall serve on this particular Board case. If the list of names on the most recent election ballot has been exhausted, a new election will be called.
- The Petitioner may choose a resource person. The resource person is permitted to enter into the deliberations of the Board but is not permitted to vote.
- The chairperson of the Faculty Board of Review shall be nominated by the president of the Senate and confirmed by its voting members its voting members.
- The procedures for the handling of grievances by the Board of Review shall be approved by the Faculty Senate.
The Faculty Senate shall have a General Education Committee. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 1.2, the committee will be comprised of three representatives from the School of Sciences, three from Humanities and Social Sciences, and one each from School of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals, Education, Business, and the Library. The chair will be chosen by the committee. The committee will be responsible for reviewing and approving courses for inclusion to the General Education program, implementing and administering assessment of General Education courses, and evaluating advising considerations related to General Education.
All curricular proposals from the General Education Committee will be sent as informational items to the Educational Policies Committee. Assessment materials, data, and results will be reported to the Assessment Committee.
4. Faculty Senate Representatives
The President (or President-elect) shall serve as a representative to University Faculty Council. The Faculty Senate shall also elect faculty members as faculty representative(s) of this campus to the Indiana University Faculty Council. Notwithstanding Bylaws Section 2.1, the term of office of representatives to the University Faculty Council shall commence on the first of April.
The Faculty Senate shall elect a Faculty Equity Liaison who will work with search and screen committees to ensure affirmative action guidelines are met. If the Equity Official is a faculty member without administrative appointment, then the Faculty Senate may choose to have this person serve as a Faculty Equity Liaison also.
5. Meetings
All business matters requiring disposition by motion of the Faculty Senate should be submitted in writing to the Agenda Committee at least five days prior to the meeting at which they will be considered.
All faculty committee reports should be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the Faculty Senate prior to the meeting at which such reports are to be given.
Where possible, voting should take place in the Senate’s regularly held meetings. Under unusual circumstances, votes may take place by electronic ballot, as determined by the Indiana University Kokomo Faculty Senate Agenda Committee. The motion and ballot must be distributed to all voting faculty at least two weeks prior to the close of voting. For purposes of electronic voting, a quorum is reached if a majority of all eligible Senate members have cast a vote by the predetermined deadline.
In accordance with Indiana University Kokomo Senate Constitution 6.2, Amendments to the Constitution require a 2/3 majority of the entire faculty. Per Robert’s Rules of Order, amendments to the Bylaws require a 2/3 majority of votes cast. All other voting items require a simple majority to be passed.
If the scheduled agenda is not disposed of by sixty (60) minutes after the start of the meeting, the meeting in-progress should be recessed to a specified time indicated by the Agenda Committee. At the continuation meeting the unfinished business shall be the first order of business. Sixty (60) minutes after the start of a meeting, then, no further business shall be in order except a motion to adjourn - unless, of course, the rules be suspended.
Faculty Senate meetings may be held in person or electronically. Any electronic meetings should be held synchronously using audio and/or video technology that is accessible to all members. The conduct of electronic meetings will conform as closely as possible to the procedures for in-person meetings as set forth in the Faculty Senate Bylaws and Constitution. Notice of any meeting conducted electronically shall include instructions on participation in the meeting, recognition of speakers, and method of voting. Voting conducted during an electronic meeting will be considered as occurring during a regular meeting.
* Administrative appointment: For Senate purposes, administrative appointments include the directors or chairs of the academic units listed in Section 1.2 and the supervisors of these directors/chairs. These include the department chairpersons in the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, deans, vice chancellors, assistant vice chancellors, and chancellor.
Updated on March 25, 2024.
Updated on September 13, 2023; August 25, 2023; April 13, 2020.
Amended November 8, 2022; April 18, 2016; April 20, 2015; February 23, 2015; January 26, 2015: September 8, 2014; April 22, 2013; November 19, 2012; March 26, 2012; February 21, 2011; March 8, 2010; October 20, 2008.
Ratified by the Indiana University Kokomo Faculty Senate, April 28, 1997.
Revised by the Indiana University Kokomo Faculty Affairs Committee (1996-97), April 28, 1997.
Ratified by the Indiana University Kokomo Faculty Senate, April 29, 1996.
Revised by the Indiana University Kokomo Faculty Affairs Committee (1995-96), March 5, 1996.