Equality Project
Mark Meng
"Equality means people are not treated differently because of who they are, where they are, and how they are."

Meg Galasso
"Equality exists when all voices are heard and when people have the opportunity and the power to shape the world around them."
Sarah Health
"To me equality is the function where everybody has the same chance to contribute, to participate, to offer their strengths to what makes this campus and our community better."
Dara Johnson
"Equality means allowing all individuals, no matter their race, gender, religion, nationality, belief, lifestyle or origin, the opportunity to make the most of their lives and talents."
Herb Miller
"Equality is treating people with respect no matter where they come from and who they are."
Ghadah Alshuwaiyer
"Equality means that everyone is equally important in this world and also means that everyone has the right to fair treatment regardless of who you are, where you come from, and what you do in your life."
J.R. Pico
"Equality is respect and tolerance for others. To destroy the barriers of the superiority/inferiority complex."
Ben Liechty
"Equality to me means where people can be who they are without judgement, without fear, and without negative consequence."
Rosalyn Davis
"I think equality is more about not just giving everyone a seat at the table, but giving everyone a chance to thrive, explore, and be who they are without fear. Living without fear is the biggest part of equality."
Chris Caruvana
"Equality means for me the possibility for me to pursue my own self-realization in such a way that it promotes other people to do the same."
Tina Robinson
"Equality is absolutely fairness for everybody no matter who they are, their gender, race; none of that matters. Fairness means the playing field is level and everyone is treated equal."
Christina Romero-Ivanova
"For me equality means advocating. Advocating for those who have been marginalized."