Criminal Justice and Homeland Security Certificate

Certificate in Homeland Security and Emergency Management

Are you currently working in the criminal justice field but want to broaden your knowledge and understanding? Do you have an interest in working within our justice system but aren’t sure if college is right for you? Along with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security and a minor in Criminal Justice, we offer a certificate in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. Our certificate is available for both current students and non-degree students.

Officer speaking to young kids at camp. 


The Certificate in Homeland Security and Emergency Management offers students an in-depth understanding of the issues and concerns surrounding homeland security and emergency management. The certificate also provides students with practical solutions in the management of natural and unnatural threats and emergency events. Upon completion of the certificate, students will be better equipped to lead their agency, department, organization, company, and community in the preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation of both natural and man-made disasters. This certificate is available for students currently enrolled in the Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and Homeland Security and this certificate is financial aid eligible. The courses for this certificate, ranging from Foundations in Homeland Security to Correctional Law, are usually offered only online.

For the most current requirements for these programs, please visit our Academic Bulletin.


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