Building Access
Normal hours during the fall and spring semesters for most buildings are 7 a.m.–10 p.m., Monday–Thursday, and 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Friday when classes are in session with the exception of the library and art gallery, buildings are closed on weekends, unless used for scheduled classes or special events.
Administrative Support
Services for IU Kokomo adjunct faculty are located in their respective department offices.
Material to be typed, copied, and/or duplicated should be given to the department support staff well in advance (and at least five working days) of the date on which the material is needed. Midterm and final examinations, and any other intricate or voluminous material, should be submitted two weeks before needed. Work submitted well before the time needed is welcomed and appreciated; such cooperation will provide the secretaries with ample time to turn out quality work.
Only examinations, handouts (please move these to the files section of Canvas if possible), and syllabi (this should be on Canvas) essential to a course should be duplicated at University expense and distributed free to students. Such syllabi or other materials should be of reasonable length. Copyright laws do not permit the duplication of sections of textbooks, workbooks, or periodicals for distribution to students.
The Administrative support are to prepare institutional and professional work only and should not be asked to prepare personal material.
Office and classroom supplies for all faculty members are available from appropriate department support staff.
When items needed are required to be purchased from an outside source, contact your chairperson/director for a purchase requisition form. This form must be completed and returned to the unit head for approval. If approved, it will then be submitted by the support staff.
Duplication Services
Faculty can submit material for duplication either to the department faculty support staff or directly to the Mailing and Duplicating Office (KO 044).
Material must be submitted to the duplicating area at least 24 hours before it is needed (excluding weekends). A completed duplication request form, available from department secretaries or the staff in the Mailing and Duplicating office, must accompany material to be duplicated. Duplication Services is open from 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Monday–Friday. If you need to pick up duplicated materials after 5 p.m., please ask the Duplicating staff to deliver the materials to your department’s work room. Copy machines are located in each school in their faculty lounges/workrooms. Since it is more expensive to use these, please check with your departments to see what volume should go to central duplicating. Please use your Crimson Card to access the copier.
Mailboxes for adjunct faculty who teach on campus are located in departments. Class roster audits and grade rosters will be available in Please pick up your mail weekly during the semester. Contact 455-9375 for details.
A scantron machine, for mechanical scoring of multiple choice and true/false examinations, is located on the third floor of the East Building (faculty lounge). The scantron in the East Building is connected to a computer and has the ability to run more complex analyses. Blank answer sheets for the scantron can be obtained from the department secretaries.
Telephone Services
Calls for IU adjunct faculty and Purdue part-time lecturers should be directed to their respective department.
Adjunct Lounges
There is a nice adjunct lounge on the second floor of the main building KO218 for Humanities. It features three private offices for meeting with students.
Please consult with your department to find out if your individual departments provide lounges, offices or spaces for your use. Office supplies may be obtained through your department.
Services related to parking are provided through the IU Kokomo Parking Services in Kelly Student Commons KC 205. All persons who use university parking facilities must register their vehicle and must display a proper parking permit from Indiana University Kokomo. Parking permits may be purchased online at Check the latest Parking fees.
All vehicles should be parked in properly designated areas only. Parking and traffic citations may be issued for improper parking, improper display of permit, no permit displayed, failure to register, or false registration.Vehicles in violation are subject to towing and storage at the owner’s expense and risk.
Student parking is prohibited on the oval drive. Parking regulations will be enforced from 7 a.m.–10 p.m., Monday–Thursday and 7 a.m.–5 p.m. on Fridays.
Escort Services
Escort service is available to students, faculty, and staff beginning at dusk until 8 p.m., Monday–Friday, by contacting the Welcome Center, 455-2000. Escort service needed after 8 p.m. and on Saturdays and Sundays should be prearranged by calling the Physical Facilities, Ext. 9273 765-455-9273 (let it ring; personnel might not be near the telephone.)
Lost and Found
Lost and found items that are located on campus should be taken to the Welcome Center located in Alumni Hall in the Kelley Student Center. Items that are found that should be secured (e.g., money, purses, etc.) should be taken to the Bursar's office. If it is after hours, contact Security.
Student Services
The Registrar’s Office periodically sends communications to faculty regarding such matters as class rosters, student absences, withdrawals, and grading procedures. The response to these items should be prompt and
accurate. Questions regarding FERPA should also be directed to the Registrar's Office. Problems relating to a student’s enrollment status should be directed to the Registrar’s Office.
Student Success Center
The Student Success Center provides support and tutoring for students in Writing, English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL), Computer usage, and Study Skills. Students can drop in or make appointments for tutoring in Elementary Composition (W131), as well as support with term papers for other courses. Computers are available for word processing. The Center is located in the Library. Call 455-9425 for hours and more information.
Math Lab
The Math Lab is located on the lower level of the Main Building in KO 048B. Call 455-9587 for more information.
Classroom Technology
The classroom technology is located in Room 127 of the Library. The Department can furnish most equipment needed to support the professor in the classroom. We will take requests via phone, e-mail, or in writing. If you have problems with any of the equipment, please call the IT Support Center at 455-9315. You can send an e-mail to, and we will take care of the problems as soon as possible. To schedule equipment we must to be notified at least 24 hours in advance. For more information, please contact the IT Support Center at 455-9315.
For information about library services, visit the Indiana University Kokomo Library web page, Additional information is available at the Library’s Faculty Portal page, at Feel free to contact a librarian at the Ask-A-Librarian desk by phone 455-9521 or email at
Library instruction for faculty or classes and research consultations for faculty are available upon request. If you're interested in scheduling an appointment or have any questions regarding instruction, please contact our Information Literacy Librarian, Yan He, directly at 455-9249 or e-mail her at
IU Kokomo Art Gallery
The Indiana University Kokomo Art Gallery is located in the Kelley Center, near the Library. Tours for classes are available. Call 455-9523 for hours and arrangements.
Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (CTLA)
The mission of the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment supports effective teaching and promotes student learning through development of the faculty. We provide resources for faculty to enhance their teaching, promote Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, support assessment of student learning, and consult with faculty and staff on their pedagogical and technology needs.
CTLA maintains a center with computers and other equipment in KA 120 for the use of IU Kokomo faculty, adjuncts, and staff. The room is generally open Monday - Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. when classes are in session. If the room is closed, instructions on how to obtain the key are posted on the bulletin board next to the door.
In addition, CTLA conducts new adjunct orientation and training classes in instructional technologies, including Canvas, as well as brown bag discussions and other workshops for faculty and adjuncts. CTLA also sponsors the annual adjunct faculty dinner, usually held the week before classes begin in the fall. Invitations are sent by the academic departments to all adjunct faculty members.
The CTLA web pages describe the training, consulting and development activities available. Please email at