ACRC Initiatives

Project Development Grant

  • Up to $4,500
  • One application per primary applicant will be accepted per term.

This grant funds full-time faculty members’ activities for service-­learning or research project and partnership development activities.  Common activities may include needs assessments, memorandums of understanding, or community consultations with the goal of creating a new research or service-­‐learning programs or activities.

Project Support Grant

  • Up to $4,500
  • One application per primary applicant will be accepted per term.

This grant funds full-time faculty members’ activities related to existing community-­‐ based research, service-­‐learning, and program initiatives. For instance, you may apply for funding to support program implementation, data collection, and analysis or knowledge translation activities in which you share your research or program findings with relevant stakeholders. The goal would be to complete or work toward completion of the applied or community-­‐based project.

*Please note that the ACRC does not fund travel to conferences as a part of ACRC support. However, travel for data collection purposes within the IU Kokomo service area may be supported.

  • Dr. Christina Romero-IvanovaProviding a Community Workshop on Digital Storytelling for Miami County Sexual Assault Awareness
  • Dr. Niki Weller and Justin Phillips, Substance Abuse Prevention Education for Youth
  • Dr. Leah Nellis and Dr. Christina Romero-Ivanova, Tomorrow’s Teachers: An Early-In Pathway in Education
  • Professor Leda Casey and Tabitha Pelgen, Persimmon Sustainability Camp
  • Professors Kim Mossburg and Valerie Amend, The Effects of Gluten-Free Flour Education on Dietary Change and Baking Abilities

For additional funding details, please visit the apply for funding page.

Course Release and Summer Stipend Support

IU Kokomo full-time faculty may submit this application to the Applied and Community Research Center (ACRC) to fund a course release or summer stipend to conduct an applied or community-­‐based research or service-­‐learning partnership or project with a research component.

Studies must be in partnership with a local or regional (within IUK’s 14 county service area) organization, nonprofit agency, or business.

The ACRC board will evaluate the application and will determine if it is an appropriate, meritorious research project to be supported by the ACRC. The ACRC board will also determine if the research activities are appropriate for the semester timeline. Please remember that to be funded for a course release, this project should occupy about 24% of your time during the semester.

Course Releases:

  • Dr. Niki Weller (2015) The Gilead House: Quantitative Assessment of Client Data, Client Services & Programs
  • Dr. Joshua Mugg (2018) Humanities Camp!

Summer Stipends:

  • Dr. Christina Romero-Ivanova (2018) Providing a Community Workshop on Digital Storytelling for Miami County Sexual Assault Awareness
  • Dr. Niki Weller (2018) Substance Abuse Prevention Education for Youth

For additional funding details, please visit the following apply for funding page.

Events and Workshops

The ACRC holds several events or workshops each Fall or Spring term related to research, grant, and program planning and evaluation professional development for faculty, staff, students, and community partners. We have provided networking luncheons or wine and cheese events, and grant-writing workshops. We also hosted an Institutional Review Board (IRB) informational session, and public grant recipient presentations.

Look out for budgeting and evaluation and outcome planning workshops in the Fall 2019 by following us on Twitter or Facebook. Please send your questions or requests to or submit an inquiry form.

Outreach and Partnerships

The ACRC conducts outreach events and meetings either on campus or in the community. Contact us if you are interested in partnering with the ACRC to facilitate research projects or partnerships in your community or if you would like the ACRC to do a public informational presentation for your community or organization. Please send your questions or requests to or submit an inquiry form.

Funding Match

  • Up to $3000

This grant supplement or match funds provided to full-time faculty by a community-based organization for an applied or community-based research project or service-­‐learning partnership or project with a research component of which the IU Kokomo full-time faculty member is a primary investigator. Studies must be in partnership with a local or regional (within IUK’s 14 county service area) organization, nonprofit agency, or business.