And those are just a few options! When you graduate with an education degree, you graduate with the interpersonal relationship, research, writing, collaboration, and communication skills that all employers are looking for. It’s always important to remember, though, that your future employers – whether you go into teaching or transfer your skills to another field – are looking for more than just a good GPA. Employers want to know what experiences you have outside the classroom as well.
From participation in students organizations to content minors to real-world service learning and internships, you’ll gain it all during your time in the School of Education at IU Kokomo. With a jam-packed resume and your degree in hand, you’ll graduate this program ready to hit the ground running and begin changing the world.
Sound Like your kind of future?
If you feel like a teaching degree will help you secure the kind of future you’re after, don’t wait to dive in! The first step to get started is to chat with anadmissions counselor today. If you’d still like to do a little more research and would like more information, we offer fantastic resources to students, alumni, and community members. Feel free to contact the Career Center and find out how they can help!