Groups Scholars Program

Expand your horizons

Students eating lunch at their desks.
Students sitting by a metal bar.
Students dancing in a line.

Groups Scholars at IU Kokomo - A Path Toward Success

Description of the video:

Groups Scholars Transcript – 202307 – Wrapped 20240112

Descriptive Audio
[Leda Casey, Director of Freshman Learning Communities and some students in the Groups Scholars program are interviewed. Footage is shown on screen during interviews highlighting their experience in the classroom and on trips during the summer session.]

[A QR Code is displayed on screen that sends viewers to the link kokomo dot iu dot edu slash groups hyphen scholars dot html.]

00;00;00;00 - 00;00;02;29
Kaiden Blane
I knew I was probably going to IUK, but like, it was felt like more like,

00;00;02;29 - 00;00;07;17
Kaiden Blane
all right, this is just my school. But like, now it feels like this is like a community that

00;00;07;17 - 00;00;07;23
Kaiden Blane
I'm part

00;00;07;23 - 00;00;13;08
Kaiden Blane
of, like a home, like somewhere where I'm actually, like, welcomed rather just somewhere I'm attending classes at.

00;00;13;08 - 00;00;16;19
Leda Casey
the group Scholars program is all about

00;00;16;19 - 00;00;26;15
Leda Casey
supporting some of our underrepresented student populations. So it's really geared toward first generation low income and diverse students.

00;00;26;16 - 00;00;32;26
Chloe McCracken
when I actually got here and like, got to the classes, like you can really see how much like they actually want to help you succeed

00;00;32;26 - 00;00;38;21
Kimberly Hernandez
I'm sure my, my parents and I could've made the money to, like, get that, but I'm really grateful to have that

00;00;38;21 - 00;00;44;19
Kimberly Hernandez
laptop because I had one, but it was really bad. So this is like it's going to help me a lot.

00;00;44;19 - 00;00;45;19
Leda Casey
And we really want to set

00;00;45;19 - 00;00;57;23
Leda Casey
these students up with a really strong foundation. So our first year scholars, we bring them to campus in the summer and they get the tuition paid for for four credit hours of summer classes,

00;00;57;23 - 00;00;59;13
Leda Casey
and then they have a scholarship

00;00;59;13 - 00;01;02;09
Leda Casey
for the fall and spring semesters as well.

00;01;02;09 - 00;01;11;06
Brooklynn Dill
My best friend actually is majoring in psychology, and she's like, “Have you checked out IUK?” And I was like, What? Just because, like, I'd never heard of it. It was like such a small school. And I was like,

00;01;11;06 - 00;01;16;17
Brooklynn Dill
an average of like 24 kids per classroom, and I was like, that's smaller than my high school.

00;01;16;20 - 00;01;17;10
Brooklynn Dill

00;01;17;10 - 00;01;26;04
Alayna Coffy
for one of the field trips, I was like a whole Indian pow wow. And we got to watch all these native dancers and there was like a group of guys in the middle and they would sing.

00;01;26;06 - 00;01;35;21
Alayna Coffy
And then that was really cool to me because I don't know much about, like Native American culture and anything like that. And I got a they had so many shops here and I love shop, so that was fun for me.

00;01;35;21 - 00;01;43;06
Alayna Coffy
before that we went to this Indian place to eat. I forget what it's called. It was so good before that we went to this Indian place to eat. I forget what it's called. It was so good and I've never had Indian food before.

00;01;43;06 - 00;01;53;05
Brooklynn Dill
And it was like, it's not too far from home. They have apartments across the street, like all, like the KEY, like, programs and stuff. And I was like, and my best friend's going there and I was like,

00;01;53;05 - 00;01;57;12
Brooklynn Dill
my God, this is literally perfect. And then like the groups program, I got the invitation and I was like,

00;01;57;12 - 00;01;59;13
Brooklynn Dill
oh my gosh, hello. Like, this is awesome.

00;01;59;15 - 00;02;00;24
Brooklynn Dill
So I was just like,

00;02;00;24 - 00;02;02;03
Brooklynn Dill
Really excited

00;02;02;03 - 00;02;09;20
Brooklynn Dill
my God, everything is falling into place and I was expecting college. We like this big scary thing. And I'm like, my God, I have control over my future now.

00;02;09;20 - 00;02;23;07
Kaiden Blane
Do it. It’s pretty worth it, I'd say, if you have the opportunity in front of you, take it. There's no reason for you not to. All it's going to do is make you more prepared. And there's even financial benefits to it as well. Like it's a great program. I think

00;02;23;07 - 00;02;28;15
Kaiden Blane
if it were not for the program, I wouldn't feel as prepared at all for college.

[The video ends with the IU Kokomo Graphic and the web address kokomo dot iu dot edu.]

Academic obligations and expectations

If accepted into the IU Kokomo Groups program, students agree to:

  • Attend one Groups Scholars Orientation and Enrollment Event
    • Saturday, May 17 or
    • Friday, June 13
  • Enroll in two summer classes (total of 4 credit hours) at IU Kokomo
  • Attend required summer class meetings
    • Classes meet from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday beginning July 8th through August 14th
  • Maintain a mandatory minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.0
  • Complete FASFA forms by April 15
  • Participate in faculty mentoring program
  • Attend at least two monthly Groups events each semester
  • Meet with assigned academic advisor for required appointments
  • Abide by the Indiana University Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities, and Conduct
  • Questions? Send an email to
  • Priority Application Deadline is March 1, 2025.
    • Applications will be accepted until the program is full