History, Political Science, and Philosophy

Take lessons from the past

As Robert Penn Warren said, “History cannot give us a program for the future, but it can give us a fuller understanding of ourselves, and of our common humanity, so that we can better face the future.”

If the events of the past and the lessons they teach us fascinate you, you will feel right at home in the History, Political Science, and Philosophy program at Indiana University Kokomo. Here, you’ll find a hands-on and interdisciplinary program that challenges you to expand your horizons and engage with a diverse and unique group of students and faculty.

At IU Kokomo, your experience doesn’t end in the pages of your textbook. Take your education to the next level and participate in campus-wide events, or join the Philosophy Club or History/Political Science Club and get to know your peers.

Hannah Bourne has a seat in The Red Chair

Hannah Bourne, B.S. 2020, double majored in communication and history and political science before entering graduate school. She took a moment to reflect on her experiences at IU Kokomo, and the relationships she built with caring faculty.

The Red Chair is randomly placed around the IU Kokomo campus. Anyone walking by is free to sit down, get comfy, and share their IU Kokomo experience.

Watch the video with audio description

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The Zoom Chair – A Red Chair Production

Hannah Bourne is a graduate who double majored in communication and in history and political science. Here she participates in an interview through the web application, Zoom, in her home.

Hannah begins speaking.

I really am shocked when I look back at my college career for the past five years. I came to school out of high school just having no clue what I wanted in life and I didn't want to go to a big school because I was scared of that experience. I was home-schooled for many many years and that was a big benefit to me in many ways just for the way that I learned. And I loved being homeschooled but then I've never been, sort of, out and away from home and so I didn't know what to expect I didn't know what I wanted to do.

I didn't want to spend a bunch of money at a school kind of bouncing around from degree to degree, so I came to IUK because it was close to home I could still live with my parents. And I could just get my experience, dip my toes in, get my gen ed's done, and then I was sure, like once I have a better handle on what I wanted, I'd leave and I'd go somewhere else.

And on the way, and I just had no idea where or what, but I just assumed that there's no way I would stay in Kokomo. And then I realized that everything I needed to do what I wanted to do was at IU Kokomo. And so why leave when I had a fantastic support system, that I already talked about, of faculty and staff that were willing to help me. I had a mentor in exactly the field that I was interested in who was willing to put in the time and to pour in the effort to help me learn and to prep me for a grad program.

And so the more that I kind of got into IU Kokomo and found out I don't have to go away to have this rich and wonderful experience, and I can save a whole lot of money doing it, and have hardly need that when I leave, and be better prepared to go move somewhere else for my grad program.

I mean the experience was so rich and so incredible and it was like 25 minutes away from my house. And, so yeah, that was just, it was everything I could have wanted.

Looking back, it's just, it blows my mind at how amazing those years were. And the relationships that were built. And the experiences that were had. And the memories, just wonderful.

Hi, I'm Hannah Bourne. I am Indiana University Kokomo graduate and a double major in history and political science and communication. I am an Indiana University alumna and I hope you'll join me.

Take a closer look

Getting a degree focused on History and Political Science can be very rewarding, with many opportunities after graduation. You’ll learn the critical thinking skills that employers are looking for in careers from education to law, from research to museum work. Listen to Justin, Shannon, Walter, Erik, and Justin as they talk about their experiences at IU Kokomo.

Watch the History and Political Science Video with Audio Description

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Now what do we talk about that we need for an advanced civilization? What's first?


"Surplus of food" Surplus of food...what happens after the surplus of food?


I'm Justin summers. My graduation is May of


2014 and I am a double major in history political science and


secondary education,


with a focus on social studies.


History to me needs to be real. It can't just be lectures. It need to be discussed.


It needs to be... you need to understand it better


through questions, through discussion,


through readings,


not just reading out of a textbook.


I work at Howard County historical


Society and Museum


and... here in Downtown Kokomo


I spent most of my time working on putting together a new exhibit that we did last summer called Howard County: Then and Now.


Where we took old pictures from way way way back when, all... sometimes all the way back into the 1800s and then we sort


of showed what is that site like now?


A law degree and with my background from IUK, you know you can take those skills and


essentially do whatever you want. That's the great thing about the flexibility of the curriculum at IUK and the


flexibility of having a law degree. You can teach.


You can practice law.


You can be a judge.


Or judicial officer, and you can be a politician.


History is always taught in,


you know, elementary and high school, taught as "this is the facts, this is what happened..." Well in college level it's always, ok...


this is what this one person says about this


And this is what another person says about it. Figure out on your own what what you think... what you think


is true.


I think the first thing I would say is


that you are going to find instructors here who


will guide and support and inform and help you get where you want to go.


It's not as intimidating or scary as you think it is and once you find those instructors who know what they're doing


and they know how to help you,


you know you're halfway there. Just showing up is half the battle. And I think that having that grasp of history and how history shapes


the world gives us a better grasp about what's going on in the world right now, and what we can make in the future.


And I think that the small class size, the...


The sort of flexible scheduling the way that the teachers are very helpful and personable to you,


those are all things that have led [to] my success as a student. Some students go into law and public service, other students going to teaching, but


really, one of the keys is that a degree in history/political science gives you a background of skills for...


reading skills, writing skills, critical thinking skills, a general understanding of the society, politics, economics,


social movements that are desired by


people who are in, really a wide variety of jobs that people look for, as well as just the basic critical thinking skills to


take on just about any research type job.

Take part in the KEY Experience

At IU Kokomo, we believe in giving you the opportunity to take your learning outside of the classroom and into the real world. The Kokomo Experience and You (KEY) program offers Cougars the unique chance to gain first-hand, real-world experience and knowledge in the careers and fields they dream of entering.

Through the Department of History, Political Science, and Philosophy you can travel overseas to rich historic destinations like Berlin and Amsterdam, in addition to locations close to home like Mounds State Park. On KEY excursions, you’ll learn from working professionals, and explore how the classes you’re taking and the skills you’re learning translate to a wide field of careers.

Ready to learn more?

If the thought of studying history, political science, and philosophy appeals to you, we encourage you to reach out to our Office of Admissions to learn more about the application process, and explore our Degree Map to see what courses await you!