All students applying for the Radiography program at Indiana University Kokomo must observe procedures in a radiology department prior to December 1 of the year before your anticipated entrance.
Please call your local radiology department to request an observation visit, please identify yourself as a radiography applicant for Indiana University Kokomo. Departments are generally open weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. We would like you to visit two different types of facilities, two hospitals or one hospital and an outpatient facility, spending a total of at least 8 hours at a hospital. You will have a total of 16 hours of observation. We feel this will be a very important and beneficial experience for you.
*It is recommended that you do observation as early in the semester as possible. This allows the coordinator and staff at the observation site more time to spend with you. Many observation sites have very strict regulations that may require TB test and HIPAA orientation. Please call early in the semester for best results.
Please complete the Job Shadow form when you have completed your visits.
Documentation: On the form that you complete and return to my office, list procedures you observed on the bottom of the form. Tally the number of patients you observed for that procedure; ( ex. – chest / 10 patients).
Dress clothes are required. This means no shorts, jeans, T-shirts, sleeveless dresses or blouses, or open-toed shoes. Students should choose to wear comfortable shoes that are clean and may opt to wear tennis shoes that are not cloth or mesh in nature.
Complete the required essay questions in a Word document. A minimum of 500 words is necessary for this section of the application, not including the underlined portion of the questions.
- Please explain how you have researched this career. Be as specific as possible (i.e. listing websites, magazines, individuals you may have spoken with, etc).
- Please explain what you observed during your job shadow experiences. Be as specific as possible, providing detail of examinations/procedures/equipment/etc.
- Describe what a radiographer does during the course of a typical day.
- Please list any health care related / volunteer experiences you have completed which is greater than 80 hours. Include the name of the facility, supervisor's name with contact information, job title, and dates of experience.
- If you provided a response to question 4, please explain how this experience would be beneficial in the Radiography program for you.
The Radiography program at IU Kokomo has limited enrollment based on standards set by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology. Admission to the program is very competitive. Applications to the program and/or completion of the prerequisite courses do not guarantee admission into the professional portion of the program.
Application Process:
- Apply and be admitted to Indiana University Kokomo.
- Actively enrolled students on the IU Kokomo campus do not need to complete this process.
- However, if the applicant last enrolled at IU Kokomo more than one year ago, the applicant must update their enrollment status.
- The IU Kokomo application must be submitted separately, but at the same time, as the program application or as otherwise directed by the program.
- For assistance with the Indiana University Kokomo application process, please contact the IU Kokomo Office of Admissions at 765-455-9217 or email
- All information must be complete to process your application. It is the responsibility of the student applicant to assure the program has all pertinent information and that it is received prior to the stated deadline.
- Meet with IU Kokomo academic advisors prior to submitting the application. Contact 765-455-9384 for an appointment.
- Submit a Radiography Application
- Submit a Job Shadow Observation form
General Application Information:
- Applications are due by December 1 of the year prior to program admission.
- Job Shadow forms can be delivered to Hunt Hall, Room SM 106 during the week (Monday through Friday) from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
- Reapplying? All applicants are required to submit the Radiography Application and Job Shadowing Form.
The Selection Process:
Applicants should expect official response confirming receipt of the application within three weeks of the date that the application is received. When applicable, verification will be sent via email to the address provided on the application.
- University Admissions Status:
Be admitted to Indiana University Kokomo as a degree-seeking student and must submit official transcripts from other universities attended.
- Students currently attending or previously enrolled at Indiana University (any campus) are not required to submit a copy of their IU transcript. However, transcripts from all other colleges, universities, or other training institutions are required; even if the credits are already posted to the IU transcript.
- Photocopies, unofficial copies, faxed copies, or student copies of the applicant’s transcript are accepted.
- The program admissions committee does reserve the right to request an official copy. Submission of illegible copies will delay the review of the application. Transcripts must be submitted even if the courses taken are not considered prerequisites.
- Grade Point Average:
- Per Indiana University policy, only GPA’s earned at an IU campus will be used to calculate GPA (minimum 2.5 GPA is necessary for consideration as a program candidate). For transfer credit, please see an admission or academic advisor to determine which non-IU courses will transfer. Transfer credits may satisfy prerequisite requirements, however GPA does not transfer. (20 points max)
- GPA in Math and Science - Per Indiana University policy, only IU Math/Science course work GPAs will be considered (minimum of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale is necessary for possible program admission). For transfer credit, please see an admission or academic advisor to determine which non-IU courses will transfer. Transfer credits may satisfy prerequisite requirements, however GPA does not transfer. (10 points max)
- All six (6) prerequisites must be taken prior to entering the core courses of the program. If a student is selected to the program and fails to meet all pre-qualifying prerequisites, they will be rescinded from the program. Students earning a "C" or higher in prerequisite courses taken at IU Kokomo earn two (2) points for each prerequisite course. (12 points max/ 2 points each). Students taking and passing prerequisite courses at any other institution will earn one (1) point per course for a maximum of six (6) points. Students mixing courses at IU Kokomo and other transferable institutions will earn at the rate of two (2) points for IU Kokomo prerequisites and one (1) point at other transferable institutions.
- Submission of Job Shadow Observation report and verification (0.4 point each- 1 max)
- Interview with the Program’s Admission Committee.
Failure to attend the interview, without medical documentation, may disqualify the applicant for admission during that admission year.
- Credit hours completed at university/college at grade “C” or higher
(1 point each 12 hours/ 4 points max);
- 0 – 12 credit hours = 1 point
- 13 – 24 credit hours = 2 points
- 25 – 26 credit hours = 3 points
- 37+ credit hours = 4 point
- Documented experience in health care setting (1 point max)
- Applicants re-applying for admission (2 points max/ 1 for 2 times)
Maximum total points: 56
In the event of a tie, the candidate with the greatest number of courses taken at IUK, at a grade of “C” or above will be given preference.
Accepted Applicants:
Individuals accepted into the professional component of the Radiologic Technology Program must
- Complete a health and immunization record form provided by the program. Any costs associated with the physical and immunizations are the responsibility of the student. Submit to a TB skin test and a Rubella Titer administered within six months of the start of clinical experience. Hepatitis "B" surface antibody series is recommended but remains optional. A negative drug screening is necessary for program continuation.
- Hold an American Heart Association CPR certification.
Program information will be sent to the email address recording during the application process. It is the responsibility of the applicant to follow-up on their application and the progress of the selection process. Inquiries should be directed to the School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions office by telephone: (765) 455-9490.
Processing of Incomplete or Late Application Packets:
Applicants will be notified by email or letter regarding the missing items. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit missing items by the program application deadline. Application packets received or postmarked after the program’s deadline are considered late. Incomplete or late applications are only considered if all completed and on-time applications have been reviewed and a seat remains open in the program. Please call (765) 455-9384 to find out if a specific program is still accepting applications after the stated deadline.
Criminal History Disclosure
At the completion of the IU Kokomo Radiography program, graduates will be eligible for the American Registry of Radiologic Technologist (ARRT)-Radiography certification examination. Graduates will be required to answer ethics questions during the certification process. Ethical violations may require an ethical review from the ARRT. Please visit ARRT-Ethics Requirements for more information.
In accordance with Indiana University and Clinical Education site policies, applicants are required to complete a thorough background check and record of immunizations. Applicants must disclose at the time of application any items that fit under the following stated criteria. Such a disclosure must be submitted in writing even if the charge has been dismissed.
- Have you ever been convicted of, or pled guilty or no contest to, a felony, misdemeanor, or any offense other than a minor traffic violation?
- Do you have any criminal charges pending against you?
- Have you ever participated in a first offender, deferred adjudication or pretrial diversion, or other program or arrangement where judgment or conviction has been withheld?
Applicants should provide a typed statement of explanation, giving full details, including the facts and the disposition of the case. If an applicant has completed an ARRT ethical review, the applicant must submit the ARRT letter stating that the applicant remains in good standing. In this case, there does not have to be an accompanying letter of explanation. This information, including name and program of interest, should be mailed to:
School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions
2300 S. Washington Street
P.O. Box 9000
Kokomo, IN, 46904-9003
If such a previous criminal history exists, the program’s admissions director will confidentially discuss the information presented with the program director. This action is intended to make sure that the applicant’s previous criminal history will not cause the applicant difficulty in obtaining licensure or certification in their intended profession upon graduation or cause other difficulties in completing degree requirements.
Failure to disclose the above may result in the withdrawal of an acceptance or, in the case of accepted or matriculated students, dismissal from the IU Kokomo program. The IU School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions reserves the right to require that a full criminal history report be submitted by the applicant as part of the review process.
Applicants are responsible for maintaining the receipt certifying that the letter has been received by the IU Kokomo School of Nursing and Allied Health Professions.
For further information, please call: 765-455-9490.
Before you begin this program, there are several important things to note:
- The application deadline for the radiography program is December 1 of the year prior to your anticipated year of admission.
- You will need to document a minimum of 16 hours of observation / job shadowing in medical imaging services; eight of the 16 hours must be completed in a hospital setting. The Associate of Science in Radiography requires completion of 21 credit hours of prerequisite coursework followed by 56 hours of core courses.
- In order to begin this program, we require satisfactory completion of a background check in compliance with federal and state law. In addition, drug screenings are required due to contractual agreements with clinical affiliates. You must be able to pass a physical examination and provide proof of all required immunizations as outlined in the program handbook along with an initial 2-step TB test followed by annual testing.
- You are required to have comprehensive health insurance during your time in this program.
- A state license is required to operate an X-ray machine. The state accepts A.R.R.T. credentials to satisfy educational requirements. Students entering the radiography core courses must obtain a student permit from the Indiana State Department of Health prior to attending clinical education courses.