- Phone:
- 765-455-9335
- Email:
- amairaj@iu.edu
- Campus:
- IU Kokomo
Hunt Hall (SM), Room 206G
Aakif Mairaj is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at Indiana University Kokomo in the School of Sciences. Currently, He teaches courses related to Computer Networks, Operating Systems, and System Analysis and Design. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Toledo in the Summer 2021. His primary area of research is the application of Game Theory for the Security of Unmanned Aerial Systems. His interest in cybersecurity and ad hoc networks began during his master's at VIT University when he was exposed to nature-inspired algorithms for energy efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks. During his undergrad final year project in the Islamic University of Science and Technology, he worked on the speed control of DC motors using neural adaptive control. He is passionate about teaching and has taught courses such as Artificial Intelligence and Discrete structures. Before Joining IUK he was a lecturer at Purdue University Northwest.
Indiana University Kokomo