Our IU Kokomo mission is to enhance the educational and professional attainment of the residents of north central Indiana through effective teaching, learning, and civic engagement. Of the five statements of commitment, one is commitment to student learning and another is commitment to assessment. This certificate is developed to enhance our faculty members' understanding and skills of assessment used to monitor and continuously improve student learning and teaching.
Assessing Student Learning Certificate Guidelines
Before beginning the certificate, please complete at least modules one and two from the Teaching for Student Success Module Series as a prerequisite.
Foundational Modules:
- Course Design - Module One
- Assessment - Module Two
Once these are completed, send an email to ctla@iuk.edu. CTLA staff will verify your completion in the module series and send you an invitation to join the Canvas Assessment Certificate course.
Begin Teaching for Student Success Module Series
Canvas Course
The assessment certificate includes modules within the Self-paced Canvas Assessing Student Learning Certificate course. Please complete Modules 1-4.
- Assessment Module 1: Introduction to Assessment
- Assessment Module 2: Student Learning Outcomes
- Assessment Module 3: Learning Alignment
- Assessment Module 4: Using Assessment Results
The certificate also includes technology training. Choose three of the following to complete and record completion in the Canvas course.
- Canvas Outcomes and Rubrics
- Canvas Quizzes or Kaltura Quizzes, or PlayPosit
- Canvas SpeedGrader
- Canvas Analytics
The assessment certificate finally includes post-work. The Post-Work Tic Tac Toe choice assignment is located in the Canvas course.
A certificate will be issued upon completion of all components of the certificate.
Julie Saam, Chérie Dodd and Chanda Deaton, Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Indiana University Kokomo v. 1, Fall 2021