There are several steps involved in transferring financial aid information from one school to another. We request that you print and follow the guide below to assist you in this process to avoid delays in getting your financial aid on time.
If you have been given a scholarship from an outside source, contact that agency and inform them of your change in enrollment plans. They can let you know what steps are needed to transfer your award, if possible. If you have questions regarding your scholarship once it has been transferred please contact the financial aid office.
Please review and complete the guide below, as applicable.
Apply for admissions in a degree-seeking program at IU Kokomo. Check the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP) carefully if you are transferring in more credit hours than are normally required for your degree which can be discussed with your Academic Advisor.
If IU Kokomo is not one of the listed schools on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) please visit and choose FAFSA follow-up: add a school code (001814)
Notify your current school of your transfer to IU Kokomo and request in writing that your future aid is canceled. Per federal regulation, you cannot have aid processed at two schools at the same time.
If you have a Child with a Disabled Veteran and Public Safety Officer Supplemental Grant (CVO), remember that IU Kokomo must have your FAFSA data for the current year, and the following year for summer sessions before any award can be posted.
Check your account daily for the most accurate and up to date information.
Check with the IU Kokomo Bursar’s office about payment options, billing, tuition/fees, etc.. University Bursar balances are a student’s responsibility.
Please review and complete the guide below, as applicable.
Place in writing your desire to have your future aid canceled at IU Kokomo, either in person, via the mail, or from your IU Email account (other email accounts cannot be honored).
If you received a federal direct student loan at any time during your attendance at IU Kokomo you will need to complete an exit interview online (remember if you are transferring mid-year to another college/university your loan(s) at IU Kokomo must be canceled.)
If your new school is not listed on your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) you will need to visit and click under FAFSA, click Corrections and add their school code. (Remember to keep IU Kokomo listed on your FAFSA otherwise previously awarded aid will be cancelled)
If you are enrolled in courses contact the Registrar’s office regarding withdrawing. If you do not officially withdraw from the current and/or future courses, you will still be required to pay for these courses and will receive a failing grade for non-attendance. Learn more about the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP).
Check with the IU Kokomo Bursar’s office about payment options, billing, tuition/fees, etc. Bursar balances are a student’s responsibility.
If you have a Child with a Disabled Veteran and Public Safety Officer Supplemental Grant (CVO), remember that your new school must have your FAFSA data for the current year, and the following year for summer sessions before any award can be posted. Contact your new school’s financial aid office for more information about transferring to their school and ensure you complete any required documentation there as to not impede your financial aid is processed.
Indiana University Kokomo resources and social media channels