The ALEKS Math Skills Assessment accurately measures your math foundation and course preparedness. New students should refer to the New Student Orientation Canvas site for information about registering to take ALEKS. Continuing and transfer students should call the IU Kokomo Testing Center at 765-455-9405 for more information. Students in fully online programs should discuss placement options with their advisor. If you have questions about the ALEKS test, please email
Isn't ALEKS just another placement test?
ALEKS is an assessment tool: It will help you to identify your Mathematical strengths and weaknesses.
ALEKS is also a learning tool: It will provide you with a personalized tutorial for regaining mastery of skills that you have forgotten.
The ALEKS Placement Assessment covers material from Basic Math through Precalculus and will take approximately two hours to complete.
There is no penalty for incorrectly answering a question on the assessment. The most important thing is that you take the assessment seriously and give it an honest effort so that the assessment truly reflects your level of knowledge and math preparedness.
Students transferring to IU Kokomo who need a mathematics course will also be required to take the mathematics placement exam unless they have transfer credit for a college level mathematics course equivalent to a course offered at IU Kokomo, and no more than two years has elapsed since their last mathematics enrollment.
Prior to registering in their first mathematics course at IU Kokomo, all entering freshman students are required to complete an ALEKS mathematics placement assessment for appropriate course placement unless they meet one of the requirements below.
Students with dual-credit mathematics courses taken in high school within the past two years may not need to take the ALEKS placement assessment. Please speak to your advisor.
Students who have earned an AP Pre-Calculus score of 4 or higher within the past two years do not need to take the ALEKS placement assessment.
Students who have earned an AP Calculus score of 3 or higher within the past two years do not need to take the ALEKS placement assessment.
Any exceptions will be made by the advisor in consultation with the mathematics faculty.
New students will access ALEKS through the New Student Canvas site. Prior to completing your in person ALEKS placement assessment, students should complete the practice assessment through Canvas.
Students enrolling in fully online programs should contact their academic advisor to be added to the IU Kokomo ALEKS Mathematics Placement Canvas site.
Continuing and transfer students should contact the Testing Center at 765-455-9405 for information.
Your ALEKS placement result will help you and your advisor to select your first mathematics course at IU Kokomo.
If you enroll in a class that is too easy, you will be wasting your tuition and your time. You are also likely to be bored!
If you enroll in a class for which you are not sufficiently prepared, you will be at risk of failing. This will also waste tuition and time and will lead to personal frustration and stress.
If you think your initial placement result does not accurately reflect what you know, you may use the ALEKS Prep and Learning module to strengthen your skills and then schedule another assessment. You are permitted up to a total of 4 proctored assessments.
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