Coppola, A.M. Designing and Implementing Self-Compassion and Body Positivity Programs with Communities. Grant in Aid, Indiana University Kokomo, Kokomo, IN. (Awarded: $4,000, 2018-2019).
Coppola, A. M. Building healthy eating and physical activity programs for youth with school-communities. Grant in Aid, Indiana University Kokomo, Kokomo, IN. (Awarded: $4,000, 2017-2018).
Coppola, A. M. An exploration of promoting self-compassion and body pride to enhance health behaviors in women. Women’s Philanthropy Leadership Council, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN. (Awarded: $3,700, 2017-2018).
Coppola, A. M. Creating community-university health research and service-learning agendas. Listening to Communities Grant, Indiana Campus Contact (Awarded: $2,000, 2015-2016).
Coppola, A. M., & McHugh, T-L. F. Developing partnerships for Indigenous youth health and activity programs. Alberta Centre for Child, Family, and Community Research (Awarded Stipend and Research Funding: $64,000 CAD, 2014-2015).
Coppola, A. M., & McHugh, T-L. F. (Co-PIs). Culturally-relevant programming for Indigenous youth: Engaging community members. Interdisciplinary Health Research Academy, Health Sciences Council, University of Alberta
(Awarded: $11,780 CAD, 2013-2014).
Holt, N. L., McHugh, T-L. F., Coppola, A. M., & Neely, K. C. (2014). Using critical incident reflection in qualitative research: Transferable skills for sport psychologists? In Z. Knowles, D. Gilbourne, B. Cropley, & L. Dugdill (Eds.), Reflective practice in the sport and exercise sciences: Contemporary issues. London: Routledge.
Are you an undergraduate student interested in a health promotion internship or research study as part of your Bachelor of Health Sciences degree? Specifically, do you have an interest in creating relationships and health-related programs with community members and organizations, and learning from community members in the process? There are opportunities for you to engage in research and internship projects that provide a space for these types of experiences.
The Community Health and Activity Promotion Lab (CHAPL) is coordinated by Dr. Angela M. Coppola, an Assistant Professor in the Division of Allied Health Sciences at Indiana University Kokomo. The purpose of this lab is to build community health and physical activity research and programming agendas with diverse communities in Indiana, providing an opportunity for students to engage in the development and implementation of health research and programs in the process. CHAPL values partnerships and relationship-building with community members to ensure relevant and respectful health-based research and programming. We have partnerships with early learning, school, and various state and local healthcare and service communities, including the Indiana State Department of Health. Thus, by engaging in CHAPL projects, students will have the opportunity to network with partners, build relationships and programs, and acquire the necessary research and communication skills to be a quality health promoter. One of the research students working on a CHAPL project won the 2018 IU Kokomo Student Research Symposium Presentation Award. Please contact Dr. Coppola (; 765-455-9569) to hear about the current CHAPL projects, and opportunities to develop and conduct your own undergraduate research program with the CHAPL group.
For research studies, compensation might be available through one of Dr. Coppola’s grants or the Undergraduate Research Program. A research project could lead to presentation at conferences in North America. Contact me at for further details.