CTS maintains a database of all available classrooms and labs on the IU Kokomo campus.
IU Kokomo Classrooms and Labs
Find instructions and troubleshooting tips on how to operate projectors, monitors, and displays.
Lectern/Projector Documentation
Review CTS policies on equipment issues, damaged media, and reservations/requests.
UITS provides computer labs called Student Technology Centers (STCs). All STCs are equipped with either Windows or Macintosh workstations, and many offer thin-client access to IUanyWare applications as well as easy access to a wide variety of services and pre-installed software.
About the IU STCs
Requests may be submitted for software deployment to IUanyWare or the STCs. Review the documentation and follow the instructions to make a request.
Software Requests
Faculty members and instructors can record their classes using the Kaltura Lecture Capture system, and distribute the captured content to their students via the web or Canvas.
Request a Kaltura Lecture Capture Recording
To request mobile non-integrated equipment for classroom use, classroom technology training, or design consultation for A/V or room designs, contact the IT Support Center.
IT Support Center
Streaming Video from the IU Kokomo Library
The IU Kokomo Library has a number of streaming video collections available that comprise more than 61,000 educational titles from Alexander Street, Films Media Group, and SAGE Publications. Many video producers are shown in the graphic below.
A complete database of streaming media resources is maintained by the IUK Library.
A-Z Databases: Streaming Videos
Fair Use of Media in Instruction
Faculty and instructors teaching with digital multimedia use materials they borrow and capture from many sources. When these materials are captured from copyrighted works, when the published status, the ownership of the original work is unknown, and/or permission for use is not granted, then instructors must consider whether the proposed use of these materials is a lawful fair use. For more information, please see the following Fair Use information.