- Accessibility Syllabus Statement (Academic Affairs)
- Accessibility Certificate - The Accessibility Certificate is designed for faculty members wishing to increase their expertise in the area of disability needs and services.
- Creating an Accessible Syllabus Using Microsoft Word (IT Training - Canvas Course)
- Syllabus Construction Guide
- Web Style Guide - Designing accessible sites for all users.
- Canvas Accessibility Statement
- Canvas Accessibility Guidelines
- Creating Accessible Content (IU)
- Understanding Accessibility
- IT Accessibility Training Opportunities available at IU
- For Students - Accessibility Services at IU Kokomo.
- Assessment Rubrics - List of Educational Resources for Assessment Rubrics
- CTLA Faculty Professional Development Book Collection - an online list of books in the collection at IU Kokomo Library
- These Teaching Resources from Bloomsburg University gives you explanations of practices and links to ideas for using them or articles about them. Practices include Active Learning, Backward Design, Classroom Civility and Management, Copyright, Flipped Classroom, Grading, Plagiarism, Rubrics, and Writing Test Questions, and many more.
- Faculty Focus - online resources for faculty
FACET - Indiana University's Faculty Colloquium on Excellence in Teaching's Web site lists FACET events, activities, publications, and resources for excellence in teaching.
IU Kokomo's Library Guide for Copyright Resources and Fair Use
- Initial Questions to Ask as Course Design or Redesign Begins
- You can start with two questions. Ask what your purpose for the course is and what your students' capacities, expectations, and needs are. At this web site, the Bok Center for Teaching and Learning at Harvard follows these primary questions with related questions that help instructors define their course, identify what is most important, show progression during the course, consider teaching methods, select ways to evaluate and deliver feedback, and communicate the course plan to students. You can use these questions to make decisions about your course that can guide your course design process and syllabus construction.
- Designing Better Learning Experiences
- Course design guidance to lead to better learning experiences and greater student engagement can be found at this site. Find design tips and forms, examples of course designs, join the course design listserv, and download a self-directed course design guide to lead you through course design for significant learning.
- "How to Write Better Tests: A Handbook for Improving Test Construction Skills"
- This resource is by Lucy C. Jacobs, Ph.D., on the IU Bloomington Evaluation and Testing Services Web site.
- "Constructing Written Test Questions for the Basic and Clinical Sciences"
- This National Board of Medical Examiners resource contains principles key to creating quality test items. Although examples are primarily from the fields of science and medicine, its principles can be applied to other disciplines to guide sound test item construction for objective tests. The length of the document is due to the large number of examples, included both with its explanations and in an Appendix.
Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education
Good practice in undergraduate education
- encourages student-faculty contact
- encourages cooperation among students
- encourages active learning
- gives prompt feedback
- emphasizes time on task
- communicates high expectations
- respects diverse talents and ways of learning
- Chickering, A.W. & Gamson, Z.F. (1987). Seven principles for good practice in undergraduate education. AAHE Bulletin, 39 (7), 3 - 7.
Twelve Attributes of Quality in Undergraduate Education
The organizational culture must have
- high expectations
- respect for diverse talents and learning styles
- an emphasis on the early years of study
A quality curriculum requires
- coherence in learning
- synthesis of experiences
- ongoing practice of learned skills
- integration of education and experience
Quality instruction incorporates
- active learning
- assessment and prompt feedback
- collaboration
- adequate time on task
- out-of-class contact with faculty
- Ewell, P. & Jones, D. (1996). Indicators of Good Practice in Undergraduate Education: A Handbook for Development and Implementation. Boulder, CO: National Center for Higher Education Management Systems.
In Fall 2020, the Re-entry Subcommittee on teaching and learning worked together to provide the Faculty Preparations for Fall Series for all IUK faculty.
As we enter Fall 2021, instruction is resuming and moving in a great direction. As you prepare for fall courses, please use the available resources to aid you in preparation and teaching throughout the term.
Resources available include webinars, articles, blogs, podcasts, LibGuides, ebooks, and Faculty Conversations padlets.
Learn how IU educators and staff can embed career planning within courses, advising programs, and one on one interactions with students. Visit edge.iu.edu for more information.
IU eTexts are more than digital copies of traditional textbooks. They are tools that help reduce the cost of education, while enhancing student learning both in and outside the classroom.
eTexts 101 Webinar - “Indiana University’s eText 101: Are your students spending too much for textbooks?” This is a Chronicle of Higher Education-hosted webinar (sponsored by Pearson).
eTexts 101: A Practical Guide - Free e-book guide to eTexts.
IU eText Initiative
Adopt IU eTexts as an IU faculty member
- IU eText catalog can be accessed via One.IU
- Troubleshooting Engage
- Troubleshooting Digital Courseware
Visit Keep Teaching at Indiana University for resources to help you prepare for your courses.
The UITS KeepTeaching Guide offers step-by-step information about keeping a class running during unforeseen circumstances, along with general principles for online teaching and strategies for meeting teaching goals.
Team-Based Learning (TBL)
- This site distinguishes team-based learning from learning in groups. The single biggest problem with team-based learning is using ineffective assignments for teams. Check here to see videos that explain TBL, the difference between teams and groups, a description of the TBL process for this teaching strategy, and guidance for creating and evaluating student team-based assignments. The Team-Based Learning Collaborative offers an annual TBL Conference. You can sign up for the TBL Listserv to pose questions and learn about good practices.
- IU Kokomo's Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment facilitates a once-a-semester meeting of the Team-Based Learning Special Interest Group for faculty who use TBL and faculty interested in finding out more about TBL.
Indiana University's Active Learning Initiative - The Mosaic Initiative supports innovative classroom design, research, and comprehensive support for all IU classrooms. For more information, visit the Mosaic Initiative.
- MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching
- MERLOT provides links and descriptions for higher education online materials that faculty and students can use by linking to the original source. Learning objects include simulations, multimedia presentations, tutorials, quizzes, case studies, lectures/presentations and reference materials. A portion of the resources are peer-reviewed. Search by subject, topic, or type of material. Membership is free.
- Shodor
- Shodor Educational Foundation works to advance math and science education by using computational science, technology, and modeling. Search here for curriculum materials that are math and science related or interdisciplinary. The Shodor project is supported in part by the National Science Foundation.
- Connexions
- is a repository of open educational resources that enables content to be shared, modified, and reviewed. Content as learning objects/modules are published under a Creative Commons license so others are given some rights for use and give attribution to the creator. Look here for learning modules (small units of educational material limited to one topic.) Learning objects can be used in online courses, hybrid courses, and supplementary resources for classroom courses.
Pressbooks is a tool that enables faculty and students to create and publish text in multiple formats. With IU Pressbooks, you can:
- Compose and publish eTexts for IU classes in collaboration with IU Press
- Deliver no-cost eTexts for IU classes (also called open educational resources, or OER)
- Build and compile collections of student reports throughout a course
- Host student ePortfolios
Following are examples of how Pressbooks are currently used by IU faculty.
Pressbooks demo Canvas site
- This site includes two assignments using Pressbooks – one where individuals contribute to a book (poetry) and another where student groups contribute to a manual (K-12 teaching manual). Notes have been included for faculty wanting to set up texts in Pressbooks for these kinds of assignments and demo assignments with instructions for students
Creative Writing 2018 Poetry Project demo text
- This is the demo text associated with the first assignment in Canvas. It includes poetry from (fabricated) students in a course, and the entire text can be exported so students can take the class’ content with them.
K-12 Teaching Science 2018 demo text
- This demo text is associated with the second assignment in Canvas and is intended to represent work created by groups of students in a course. Each of the groups contributes chapters for different K-12 grade levels for a teaching manual.
CTLA, Academic Affairs, and University Information Technology Services (UITS) have purchased a site license for the Qualtrics Survey Tool. More information on Surveys and Qualtrics.
Articles on class discussions from Faculty Focus
- Strategies for Managing Online Discussions
- Strategies for Facilitating More Effective Classroom Discussions
- Letting Students Lead Class Discussions
- Getting Students to Listen and Respond to Each Other's Comments
- Online Discussion Questions That Work
Taxonomy for Cognitive Domain for intellectual skills (Bloom's taxonomy)
- Bloom's cognitive domain levels taxonomy (Illinois Online Network)
- Anderson and Krathwohl's revision to Bloom's taxonomy (San Diego State University's Encyclopedia of Educational Technology)
- List of levels and verbs for objectives from Hatfield's Workshop (pdf)
Taxonomy for Affective Domain for Attitude
- A tutorial to learn the meanings of the levels of the affective domain (Wisc-Online Wisconsin Online Resource Center)
Taxonomy for Psychomotor Domain for physical skills
- Psychomotor domain levels (Emporia State Universited) provides explanation of each domain level and includes action verbs that describe the domain.
Taxonomy of Significant Learning
- L. Dee Fink's taxonomy for identifying significant, lasting learning more broadly than cognitive domain
- Taxonomy of Significant Learning
We hope you find the following links useful, if you have any links you would like to share with others please contact us.
Articles and Online Journals
- Educause Quarterly Online - Search the issue archives and resource center online." EDUCAUSE Quarterly is a practitioner's journal for college and university managers and users of information resources—information, technology, and services—published quarterly by EDUCAUSE."
- Educause Review - EDUCAUSE Review takes a broad look at current developments and trends in information technology, what these mean for higher education, and how they may affect the college/university as a whole."
Copyright Information
- Copyright Resource Guide
- IU Policy on Intellectual Property
- Copyright Tutorial
- Copyright Quick Guide - Columbia University Libraries Copyright Advisory Office
Instructional Resources
Streaming Media - IU supports streaming for both academic and non-academic purposes.
- Videoconferencing
- Web Conferencing
- Video Streaming
IU Teaching and Learning Centers
- Bloomington: Center for Innovative Teaching & Learning (CITL)
- Northwest: Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CISTL)
- Indianapolis: The Center for Teaching and Learning
- Southeast: Institute for Learning & Teaching Excellence
- Richmond: Teaching and Learning Center
- South Bend: University Center for Excellence in Teaching
- Fort Wayne: Center for the Enhancement of Learning and Teaching (CELT)
IT Resources
IU Policies on Computer Account Usage
IU Policies on Computer Account Usage - Are there restrictions on how I use my IU computing accounts?
IU ITSO - At Indiana University how can I contact the Information Technology Policy or Security Offices?
Use of Third-Party or Cloud Services in Instruction
Three kinds of risks can exist when university information is stored or transmitted using tools not contracted for or provided by Indiana University. These non-IU third-party hosted tools are sometimes called Cloud Services.
- Critical Information - Information classified as "critical" may not be transmitted or stored via any third-party tool without the university entering into a contract with the vendor that outlines appropriate data protection measures.
- FERPA - Student records protected by FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) may not be transmitted or stored via any third-party tool without the university entering into a contract with the vendor that outlines appropriate data protection measure.
- Intellectual Property - Ensure that any use and sharing on intellectual property complies with applicable law.
For recommendations on steps instructors can use to reduce risk of using these cloud services, see these sources:
Use of Social Networks, Blogs, Wikis, and Other Third-Party Hosted Tools in Instruction