The Testing Center is operated by the Office of Student Success & Advising and is located in the Kelley Student Center, Room 250. Make-up tests are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis and scheduled by appointment only (schedule subject to change based on proctor availability).
Testing Center Office hours
• Mondays and Wednesdays: 12 p.m. to 5 p.m.
• Tuesdays and Thursdays: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Students, you must make an appointment to request a proctored make-up exam. You may schedule appointments through the Canvas page of your course. Before scheduling, contact your instructor to be sure the exam is posted in RegisterBlast and ready to schedule. If you have questions or difficulty registering for a test, call 765-455-9405 or email
To request an appointment for a non-academic exam (such as ALEKS or placement exams), call or email the Testing Center.
Instructors can use this KB article to learn how to integrate RegisterBlast into your Canvas site.
Note that the center may close due to unforeseen circumstances. In the event of unexpected closure, call the Advising Office at 765-455-9405 for assistance.
Prospective students needing to take an admissions exam will be notified via the Office of Admissions.
This exam will take approximately one hour to complete and test scores are sent directly to the Office of Admissions for review and consideration.
This exam may be taken in the testing center, call or email the testing center.
Accuplacer Reading Comprehension Practice QuestionsPrior to registering in their first mathematics course at IU Kokomo, first-year students complete a proctored ALEKS mathematics placement assessment for appropriate course placement. Students transferring to IU Kokomo who need a mathematics course may also be required to take the mathematics placement exam unless they have transfer credit for a college level mathematics course equivalent to a course offered at IU Kokomo, and no more than two years has elapsed since their last mathematics enrollment.
In your initial appointment, your advisor will help you determine whether you will need to take the ALEKS math assessment. You may schedule ALEKS testing through the New Student Canvas site.
Students are allowed three hours to complete this exam.
Students must speak with their instructor about making up any missed exams. Exams must be scheduled by the student at least two business days prior to the desired testing via RegisterBlast through the individual Canvas site.
All accessibility testing requires prior approval through Accessible Educational Services.
Students who are approved for accommodations should inform their instructor prior to scheduling test.
Reduced Distraction Room or Scribe/Reader Tests: We require a four business day notice prior to testing date to accommodate. It is the student's responsibility to contact Accessible Educational Services at least two weeks prior to testing to prearrange a scribe/reader.
Students may take a Spanish language exam to determine proper placement. This placement exam is designed for students who have had previous instruction in Spanish and wish to continue their language study in this area. If you plan to start with the beginning class at IU Kokomo, you do not need to take the Spanish language placement exam.
Students will see their score and placement immediately upon completion of the exam. Within two business days, students will also receive an email from the IU Kokomo Testing Center containing their score report and official results letter. The student’s advisor(s) will also be attached to this email.
This exam will take approximately 15-30 minutes to complete.
This exam may be taken online from Rosetta Stone Emmersion. To receive an email with the link to take Spanish Language Placement Exam, contact the Testing Center.
IU Kokomo students taking an IU Kokomo or other IU campus class online.
Proctoring is based on staff availability and must be scheduled by appointment.
Prior to scheduling a testing date, please consult with your instructor as they may require a signed proctor agreement. Proctor Agreements may be submitted to:
After confirmation has been received, you may call the Testing Center to schedule your exam date.
Proctoring is based on staff availability and must be scheduled by appointment.
Prior to scheduling a testing date, please consult with your college's testing center or instructor as they may require a signed proctor agreement. Proctor Agreements may be submitted to:
After confirmation has been received, you may call the Testing Center to schedule your exam date.
Students will be responsible for paying:
- The IU Kokomo bursar's office a $20*proctoring fee (cash, personal checks or money order). This fee must be paid prior to testing and receipt provided the day of testing.
- *pricing subject to change
IUK is not currently offering DSST examinations. Please see your advisor for options.
Students must check with their advisors to determine if the credits are accepted for their major.
The deadline for completing DSST exams for graduating students is as follows:
May Graduates - April 1st
August Graduates - July 1st
December Graduates - November 1st
DSST Sample Questions and Practice Exams
Testing Guidelines
Student guidelines for taking an exam in the Testing Center:
- Schedule your testing appointment at least two business days in advance.
- You must bring a photo ID each time you take a test.
- You should arrive at least five minutes prior to the start time of your scheduled test.
- If you are more than 15 minutes late for a scheduled exam, you may not be permitted to test on that date. You will need approval from your instructor to reschedule your exam.
- All tests are considered completed once you leave the testing area.
- Please leave all personal items, if not needed to test, in your car. Small cubbies and lockers are also available to store these items. The testing center staff are not responsible for your items.
- Children, parents, or friends are not allowed in the testing area during the exam.
- Food and beverages are not permitted without written documentation from the Accessibility Center that the tester is approved to test with these items.
- Calculators are only permitted upon instructor's consent and
reflected on the testing request form.
Accommodations: Please see the Accessibility Center for any accommodations prior to scheduling your testing. If any problems occurred with accommodations, they must be reported to the Testing Center Staff and/or Accessibility Coordinator within 48 hours after the test has taken place.